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A peek into the Basque Country 巴斯克自由行

While in Pamplona, it was just a short hop to another two well-known cities in the Basque country, namely San Sebastián (also called Donostia in Basque language) and Bilbao.

奔牛節前後,有時間走訪巴斯克地區另外兩個著名城市——聖塞巴斯堤安(San Sebastián,巴斯克語亦稱Donostia)及畢爾包(Bilbao)。

The Basque Country (in the broadest sense) is a region encompassing the north-eastern part of Spain, extending into the adjoining south-western corner of France. It boasts of a culture distinct from other parts of Spain and a militant organisation based in Basque called ETA has been seeking independence in a prolonged struggle with Spain. My three days in the Basque country was obviously not enough for me to appreciate completely the cultural dissimilarity between the Basque country and the rest of Spain, but the most conspicuous sign has got to be the language which is totally different from Spanish and unrelated to any other European languages. The Basque people also enjoy their own version of tapas called pintxos, but I wasn’t fortunate enough to find any dishes that were distinctively Basque.


Since I arrived very early in Pamplona on 5th July, I could catch the first bus to San Sebastián and spend a good part of the day there before checking in at a student residence in Pamplona which was my accommodation.


San Sebastián is a seaside city blessed with one of the top 10 beaches in Spain, called Bahía de la Concha (Seashell Bay). But the beach atmosphere was pretty much washed away by a persistent shower right from the beginning of my excursion! After arriving in San Sebastián, I walked along the Urumea river which would lead to the seaside at its estuary. Before reaching the beachfront, however, I decided to make a detour into the city centre, so that I can take shelter from the shower which became quite heavy at times.

聖塞巴斯堤安是海濱城市,而且有西班牙十大最佳海灘之一的貝殼灣(Bahía de la Concha),若是天公造美多好,但到達聖塞巴斯堤安外圍已是漫天煙雨,下車後便沿着Urumea河,冒着大時小的雨往海邊進發。河口正是海灘,不過我先想到市中心逛逛,兼想避雨。

River Urumea and Puente Maria Cristina (right) Urumea河及Maria Cristina橋(右)

The Parish Church of Buen Pastor (Parroquia del Buen Pastor), also a good place to take cover from the rain!
Buen Pastor教堂,正是避雨的好地方。

Left: Palacio de Justicia (Palace of Justice); right: the Church of San Bartolome

It wasn’t long before I reached the Bahía de la Concha. The whole bay was hiding behind the shroud of shower while the beach looked desolate.


Puente de la Zurriola (Zurriola Bridge) at the estuary of the Urumea

Bahía de la Concha in the rain 雨中的貝殼灣

What the bay would have looked like on a bright sunny day

'Why am I stupidly waiting for customers that would never show up in the rain?'

The bay was guarded by two hills at both ends, and I was expecting a beautiful view of the whole bay from the top of the hills. I was pretty determined to reach the peak of Monte Igeldo to the west of the bay. I couldn’t care less about getting wet from the steadily intensifying shower or the mist that was completely hiding the peak from view. My determination turned out to be a synonym of sheer stupidity, as my jacket became soaked while there was absolutely to be seen from the peak apart from a blanket of white. Couldn’t I have worked that out before making all the way to the peak?


The funicular up Monte Igeldo 上Igeldo山的纜車

Casa del Terror (The House of Terror) amusement park at the peak of Monte Igeldo

Bahía de la Concha, on the way downhill

After a funicular ride downhill and a bus trip back in town, the rain has finally stopped in time for my expedition to Monte Urgull on the east side of the day. But by then I’m steadily running out of time until my bus back to Pamplona in 3 hours. I could only take the shortest way uphill and had to miss out on a good part of the nature and the batteries along the many other paths.


The Town Hall and the view of Monte Urgull from there

The establishment at the peak of Monte Urgull was originally a fortress (Castillo de la Mota), but is now turned into a museum on the local history of San Sebastián. A statue of Jesus stood on top of the museum and could already be seen from afar downhill. It was also the best vantage point for the whole city.


The original fortress at Castillo de la Mota

Crucification of the modern kind! 背負重任的耶穌!

Panoramic views of San Sebastián 俯瞰聖塞巴斯堤安

For the way downhill, I deliberately chose a path that led to the shore and the small fishing village lining the foot of the hill before entering the Old Town (Parta Vieja). With the time left, I could only manage a fast-food lunch made of seafood and a blitz through the Old Town before heading back for the bus terminus along the Urumea river.


The path downhill to the shore

The English Cemetery

Bahía de la Concha and the little Santa Clara Island in the middle of the bay
貝殼灣和灣中的Santa Clara小島

The fishing village at the foot of Monte Urgull

Parta Vieja and the Plaza de la Constitución

After visiting the San Fermín festival, there was only Bilbao left on my itinerary. Bilbao gained some fame in recent years, thanks in no small way to the opening of the Guggenheim Museum and the design of underground railway station exits by the British architect Norman Foster. I had to give Guggenheim a miss due to a lack of time, and those station exits were not anything special, but there were still enough things in Bilbao to keep me interested. The receptionist of the hotel doubled up as my trip advisor and helped me plan a trip through the highlights of the city. I was very grateful for his suggestions!

奔牛節後,我的西班牙之旅祇剩最後一站——畢爾包。今時今日的畢爾包,有賴美國古根漢藝術博物館(Guggenheim Museum)在那裡開館,和英國建築師Norman Foster設計的地鐵站出入口帶起名氣,這次沒空參觀古根漢博物館,地錢站也沒啥特色,不過畢爾包還有其他吸引人之處。酒店的接待員熱情地向我仔細介紹了好幾個景點,我也言從計行。

The area near my hotel - almost reminds me of Hong Kong!

From the hotel, I first walked up to two small parks in the nearby hill, then descended and crossed the Ría de Bilbao into the Old Town (Casco Viejo). I passed by a market and a shopping street before coming across a set of steps. I decided to walk my way up it.

從酒店先走上附近山頭的兩個小公園逛逛,然後走下山,跨過畢爾包河(Ría de Bilbao),便踏入舊城區,經過菜市場及其中一條購物街後,不經不覺來到一道樓梯,便拾級而上看個究竟。

The market

Pretty ceiling art 天花藝術

Casco Viejo (Old Town) of Bilbao 畢爾包舊城區

At the top of the steps was a park (Parque de Etxebarria) where I could take in the views of the entire Bilbao along the paths. I felt I could finally take a breather from the hustle and bustle of Pamplona the day before, as there were so few people to be seen around the park.

樓梯頂原來是個公園(Parque de Etxebarria),沿着路徑便可飽覽全市景色,公園內人煙稀少,散步時很是舒服,正好讓我從熙攘的潘普洛納喘喘息。

The steps leading to Etxebarria Park 通往Etxebarria公園的樓梯

Bilbao by its river 河畔的畢爾包

The hotel receptionist recommended me to see the roof of the Guggenheim Museum from the bridge adjacent to it (Puente de la Salve). It would have been more straightforward if one part of the Parque de Etxebarria had not been closed off. The only way was to go downhill via the municipal police office, then take the nearby streets uphill again. Bilbao and its surrounds were indeed quite a hilly place, but the local government has done a good job in making everyone’s life easier, by installing plenty of escalators along many of the steeper streets.

酒店的接待員推介從古根漢博物館旁的橋上(Puente de la Salve)觀賞其屋頂,本來從Etxebarria可直接走到前往該橋的路,但那部分偏偏有工程進行而封了去路,唯有經過警察辦公室下山,然後取道毗鄰的街道再上山。說來畢爾包及鄰近的市郊山路也不少,當地政府也很照顧人民的需要,在山路廣設扶手電梯方便大眾上山,可算是一種德政。

The Municipal Police Office and the Town Hall (through the gaps between the red buildings of the police office)

A typical street in Bilbao with escalators

It’s only too difficult to miss the Guggenheim Museum from its roof which formed some kind of a petal pattern. The modern Museum together with the artistic flair of the bridge have certainly given Bilbao a breath of fresh air. As I was worried about the possibility of spending too much time in the museum, I decided to skip the visit and go straight to my next destination.


Puente de la Salve and the Guggenheim Museum
古根漢博物館及旁邊的Puente de la Salve橋

Spider warning by the Guggenheim!

Laugh as you may at the entrance!

The cat in front of the Guggenheim

Plaza Moyúa, before I took the metro

I took the Bilbao Metro to the suburb of Getxo, which was home to the famous Puente Colgante de Bizkaia (Suspension Bridge of Biscay). This bridge is now listed as world heritage and spans across the Nervión river and its estuary. One of my Spanish colleagues explained to me that the bridge was designed to deal with several pragmatic needs at the same time. It had to facilitate the pedestrian and vehicular traffic across the Nervion without obstructing the flow of cargo shipments in and out of the port at the estuary. With limited space on either river bank and the technology available at that time, the solution was to build a bridge with a high crossbeam and suspend from the crossbeam a gondola that would shuttle between the river banks.

乘地鐵到達位於市郊Getxo區的比斯開懸吊橋(Puente Colgante de Bizkaia)。吊橋是世界文化遺產,橫跨內爾維翁河(Nervión)與大海相連的河口,聽西班牙同事講解,這座橋既要方便河兩岸的人來往,又要讓貨船進出港口無阻,附近空地又少,衡量過當時的技術,於是便架了這座橋身高五十餘米的吊橋,橋樑又吊着一條人車兩用的吊艙,穿梭兩岸。

The bridge and the walkway in the crossbeam

The gondola (left) and how its traverse across the Nervion was controlled in the former times (right)

Technical information for the engineering buffs
(It also tells you how to destroy the bridge!)

This bridge is anchored in the middle of the residences.

There was a walkway on the crossbeam which could be reached by a lift. The walkway is the place to marvel at the ingenuity of the design and to enjoy a panorama of the surrounding suburbs of Getxo and Portugalete.


Getxo/Las Arenas and the port

Portugalete on the opposite bank

After descending from the bridge, I first had a quick walk along the Nervion on the Getxo side, all the way up to the end of the jetty there. Then I headed back to the bridge and rode the gondola to Portugalete on the other side of the Nervion and strolled through the suburb before returning to Bilbao by the metro. There were still a few places in the Old Town that remained to be discovered.


Views of Getxo from the jetty

Views of Portugalete Portugalete數景
Top left: Basílica de Santa María 左上:聖瑪利亞大教堂
Top right: town hall of Portugalete 右上:Portugalete市政廳
Bottom left: one of the many hilly streets further uphill 左下:Portugalete眾多斜路之一
Bottom right: Centro Cultural de la Villa 右下:文化中心

Puente del Arenal leading to Casco Viejo (Old Town)
進入舊城區的Puente del Arenal橋

Arriaga Municipal Theatre (top left), Iglesia San Nicolás (St. Nicholas' Church, top right) and Plaza Nueva (left)

I was deciding if I really wanted/needed a dinner, but the parades of eating places and the smell of food were only too tempting. I ended up in a cerveceria (the Spanish version of pubs and bars) and treated myself to a dish of hot potato croquettes stuffed with salted cod (Croquetas con Bacalao). The feeling of warm and filling food was indeed very satisfying, a perfect way to end my day in Bilbao and my second Spanish adventure.


My second visit to Spain was most memorable for the different culture and atmosphere that I could experience as I went from one part of the country to another. You can appreciate better what I mean when I write about Barcelona!



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