The conference was more than just a time to hear about the latest trends and developments in the field of electron microscopy. It was also a good opportunity to socialise, especially when the conference venue was so far away from anywhere else and kept all the attendants to the confines of the resort. With plentiful free periods and a relatively small crowd, it wasn’t too difficult to bump into other attendants and strike up conversations with them.
The free periods also made for a few short trips near the resort. My colleagues and I went for a drive on the third day of the conference (17th June). Our first destination was the town of Barga, which was built atop a hill separated from the resort by a valley. It is an important part of the scenic backdrop to our resort!
Barga was filled with sloped passageways, and at the summit of the town stood a church (Duomo di San Cristoforo) which provided a good vantage point for the surrounding hills and valleys.
Entrance to the town
Some of the streets within the town
Duomo di San Cristoforo (St. Christopher's Church, left) and its interior (bottom two)
A local history museum by the church
The scenery from the church 教堂四周的景色
The hotel resort from Barga
Chiesa del Santissimmo Crocifisso (Church of the holiest crucifix)
We continued our drive farther into the mountains. After so many twists and turns, and following our driving map and the many road signs, we reached a tiny non-descript town of Renaio, which probably contained not more than 20 houses altogether. We reckoned the only reason why Renaio was marked so prominently was that it was simply a convenient reference point for drivers on that road.
A chestnut tree with a long history
The hotel treated all attendants quite well throughout the conference, and at some stage some of us thought that we’ve been very well fed! (How could one resist Italian cuisine?) A bit of exercise was definitely much needed! So on the last day, I deliberately woke up earlier and went for a walk to a hill-top village called Treppingnana following the instructions provided by the resort. The whole expedition took a little more than an hour. There wasn’t too much to write home about, apart from the view of the valleys in the shroud of rather heavy fog or cloud. It felt a bit like looking down to the ground through the clouds from an aeroplane.
Treppingnana as seen from the resort
A farmhouse en route to Treppingnana
The blue skies belong to the high up only!
Inside Treppingnana Treppingnana村內景色
That afternoon I went on a tour to a vineyard. The owner took us everywhere and showed us how the wines were produced from grape pressing, fermentation to bottling. We were lucky enough to see the things ‘behind the scene’ since it’s not yet grape harvesting and fermenting. Afterwards she treated us to the range of home-grown wines, from a sparkling white wine (almost like a bubbly), normal white wine, red wine, dessert wine (Vin Santo, to accompany a special biscuit after a meal) and grappa. The alcohol had its desired effect: it's left some of us slightly emypt-headed, but certainly none of us empty-handed upon departure!
當日下午報名參觀釀酒園,抵達後酒園的女東主帶我們四處參觀其設備,由壓葡萄、發酵至入瓶整個流程,所有儀器及過程都解釋得一清二楚(當然現在不是葡萄收成及釀製期才能參觀廠房了)然後招待我們品嘗其出產的各種香檳、白酒、紅酒、甜酒(飯後甜品時配特別餅乾的Vin Santo酒)及烈酒(Grappa),務求令一眾團友不醉和不滿載無歸!
Pressing/extraction (top left), fermentation (top right) and bottling (left)
A place to get merry, in the tavern 酒莊
I’ve enjoyed this conference a lot for what was offered by the conference itself and outside. My short break afterwards was even more memorable. More on that in my next post!