上月首次到台灣旅遊,便有幸登上台灣百岳之一的合歡山東峰。 On my first trip to Taiwan last month, I had the luck to hike up to one of the so-called 100 peaks of Taiwan, East Peak of Hehuanshan mountain. 本來是跟內子打算在合歡山上唯一的住宿松雪樓住上兩晚的,但被上山那天的天氣嚇怕了:雨整天不饒人的下,好不容易停了仍有一層濃霧縈繞,我倆心想這樣子待在山上是沒意思的,住一晚什麼都夠了。 Originally my wife and I wanted to stay for 2 nights at the only lodge at Hehuanshan, but the weather wasn’t doing us a favour on our day of arrival with relentless rain for almost the whole day and thick fog after the rain finally stopped. We thought that there wasn’t much point staying in the mountains with such weather and decided to check out the next day. 第二天一大早 05:30 起床想看日出,四周仍是濛瀧一片,待退房時霧終於有消退的跡象,作一次簡短的行山到下午才走還可以。霧散得很快,不一會便陽光普照,不只天色馬上明朗,連心情也頓然開朗了。 The next day I woke up at 05:30 for the sunrise that turned out to be heavily shielded by the fog. There was finally some first sign of the fog clearing by the time we completed the check-out, and we thought that we might be able to go for a short ramble until t...