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Showing posts from August, 2013

Travelling back in time in Munich 慕尼黑的時光倒流

It's never difficult to catch a glimpse of history anywhere one goes in Europe. Munich and surrounds are full of relics and reminders of its long and colourful histories of the city itself as well as of the former Bavarian kingdoms. 在歐洲想看歷史並不難,慕尼黑和週邊地區便有不少古蹟,見證了這個城市和幾百年前巴伐利亞王國豐富而悠久的歷史。 Munich celebrates its anniversary every year in mid-June, and this year the festivities are held on 15th to 16th June. I went into town on the 15th wanting to try the Prinzregententorte (literally Prince Regent Cake), Munich's very own cake originally made as a present for Prince Regent Luitpold, in the bakery that was believed to be the birth place of the cake. As soon as I found out that Munich was celebrating its 855th anniversary that day, I thought how appropriate it was to mark this occasion with a 'birthday cake' that is one of the symbols of the city itself! 每年六月中都是慕尼黑慶祝成立紀念日的時候,今年的活動便在6月15至16日舉行。15日那日前往市中心,一心想到「攝政王蛋糕」的始祖店一嘗這個最有本地特色的蛋糕。當時製造這個蛋糕,是要給攝政王Luitpold作賀禮(目的則眾說紛紜),但一知到那...