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Weekend escape (2) - Windy Marseille 週末出走記(2)——風浪中的馬賽

I haven’t actually been to France so many times, so during my short stay in Munich I took the opportunity to go to Marseilles (Marseille in French, 22nd to 24th June) to visit a former colleague and good friend who has now moved there, and to get a feel for what southern France is like.

Marseille was memorable for a few reasons. Apart from the variety of sea views and cuisine, what stuck in my mind the most was the relentlessly strong winds, especially at the seaside, on the sea or up on the hills!

On my first day in Marseille my friend took me on a walk along the Corniche Kennedy along the shore to the beach district. The road meandered its way through many bays and was built on a stretch of cliffs which was continually battered by the waves. Many people were enjoying themselves in all sorts of ways along the road as well as in the beach district, from idle sunbathing to the challenging kite surfing. The beach was decorated with many of those colourful kites, and my friend and I were constantly captivated by surfers flying a few metres into the air with the wind. However, that was certainly not something for the faint-hearted or for beginners!
第一天下午朋友帶我到濱海大道Corniche Kennedy,前往海灘區,馬路繞過一個又一個小灣,建在連綿的白懸崖上,不斷受波濤拍打。沿途的海灘跟海灘區,都擠滿了享樂的人,各適其式,由最容易的趟在沙上曬太陽,到挑戰體能的風箏滑浪也有,但見五顏六色的風箏飄揚,滑浪者不時隨風一躍而起,很是刺激,看得我和朋友都出了神,不過觀乎當日的風浪之大,玩的人非能手莫屬。

A war memorial

A small neighbourhood behind the bridge near the war memorial

The rocks and beaches along the Corniche

Paradise for proficient kite surfers

At the end of the beach district there was a ferry back to the city centre, and we thought that we could have a rest on board, but how wrong we were. Our ferry was constantly tossed by rough waves, which would lift the vessel by half a metre pretty easy then let it drop in a second. The captain, however, didn't think much of it and kept sailing at high speed as normal. For 3 euros we enjoyed half an hour of speed boating in challenging conditions, which would normally cost a lot more. Whether it is value for money would depend on your tolerance to travelling on rough seas!

Walking on water - could have been a scene from computer games!

Mirror, mirror by the pier

On the second day my friend and a colleague of hers took me to a sea inlet near Marseille (Calanque de Sugiton). We went on a hike to a beach at the foot of the cliffs for a swim and some sunbathing. The shores of Marseille and its nearby region are famous for the series of inlets (calanques) which are lined by limestone cliffs or capes. The cliff faces looked particularly white under the blue skies, aqua seas and reflexion of sunlight. We reached the beach in mid-afternoon when it was the warmest part of the day, and were excited by the clear waters as well as the cheering and shouting around the beach. Little did we expect that the water was so numbingly cold and rather uncomfortable to swim in! We did however manage to stay at the beach for about an hour before climbing back up again, and we walked all the way to the nearest highest point for viewing the scenery. The magnificent shoreline and the boundless sea were for anyone to enjoy, but only if they could brave the keen breezes on these exposed hills. Such strong winds together with the waves were quite responsible for the formation and maintenance of the inlets and cliffs as a result of constant erosion.
第二天朋友和她的同事一同帶我往鄰近馬賽的Sugiton峽灣(Calanque de Sugiton),遠足之餘也可到懸崖底的海灘游游泳、曬曬太陽。馬賽及鄰近地區有一連串峽灣,中間隔著拔地而起的海角或懸崖,由於主要是鐘乳石形成,所以呈一片白色,在太陽的照射和碧海藍天的襯托下格外鮮明。我們到達時是下午的中段,趁是全日最暖的時候,趕快下崖到海灘,本來看到碧綠見底的海水和聽到海灘的喧鬧聲,叫我們都雀躍,不過下水時才發現,水竟然是冰冷得令人麻痹,游泳可不好受!但我們也在海灘逗留了一小時左右,才再次上山,並一直走到附近的最高點,觀賞壯觀的海岸線和浩翰的海洋,但同時要再次領教馬賽的強風,我想,這些峽灣的形成,或多或少是拜風和海侵蝕所賜吧。

Half-way down to the beach

Surviving in a treacherous habitat  在險峻的環境中求存

A secluded beach is a just reward for the hike!

Commanding a full view of Sugiton and Morigou (the inlet to the right of the photo)

I had wanted to start my third day with an excursion to the fortress on Île d’If (the Island of If), but the island was closed due to strong winds. Then I decided to take the ferry to the other islands of the Frioul Archipelago. The winds and waves were more relentless than the first day; not only was the ferry ride choppier than the first day, but I also saw strings of white horses rolling over the surface of the sea. I actually felt a little scared during the ferry ride! After the ferry berthed at the island of Ratonneau, I headed straight to one of the hills with ruins of a former fortress. Ratonneau and the adjoining Pomègues (joined together by a sea dyke) have a series of small hills which offer plenty of panoramic views of Marseille and surrounds, especially en route to the fortress (Fort de Ratonneau) where Île d’If and the city centre of Marseille is in plain view. However, the wind gusts were so punishing that all I wanted to do was to snap the photos as quickly as possible then continue my way. It spoiled completely my mood for enjoying the scenery leisurely, and since I wanted to visit another place in the afternoon before flying off, I left Ratonneau for the ferry back after only one hour and a bit. What a pity that I couldn’t spend more time!
第三天早上本想坐船往市內If島(Île d’If)參觀島上的堡壘,但該島因風太大而關閉,所以改往Frioul群島的其他島嶼。那天的風浪比第一天還要厲害,不祇是渡輪航行時更顛簸,還看到海上連綿不斷的白頭浪,說實話我真的有點害怕!到了Ratonneau島後,便直往其中一個山頭探究,本來該島和相連的Pomègues島(以海堤連接)有不少小丘,是觀景的上佳地點,而我登的山頭有個荒廢了的雕堡(Fort de Ratonneau),還可眺望If島和市區,但凜冽的狂風,令我祇想趕快拍完照後繼續上路,無心情駐足細賞景色,而且下午還想到市內另一個地方參觀,所以在島上逗留才個多小時便匆匆離開了,有點可惜。

Rugged rocks on the island of Ratonneau

The island of If against the backdrop of Marseille city

A panoramic view of Plage de St Estève, the cape with the ruins of Ancien Hôpital Caroline and Île d'If with Marseille city farther afield
俯視St Estève海灣、海角上的Caroline舊醫院遺址、If島和離遠的馬賽

The islands of Pomègues (to the left of the photo) and Ratonneau (to the right) joined together by the dyke Digue Berry
圖中左方的Pomègues島和右方的Ratonneau島(右)由Digue Berry海堤相連

The ruins of Fort de Ratonneau

In the afternoon I climbed a hill to visit the church of Notre-Dame de la Garde. By the time the wind was determined to topple everyone and everything standing in its way. As soon as I made a start taking panoramic shots, the wind threatened to blow me and my camera away. I quickly ducked for cover by the fence, and just when I thought the wind had subsided and stood up to take photos again, more wind followed and almost blew me down. Eventually I decided just to kneel by the fence, poke my head and camera above the fence, make the shots in the shortest time possible before running inside the church for cover. I felt like a journalist attempting a live broadcast during a storm!
下午登上市內建在小山上的聖母守護教堂(Notre-Dame de la Garde)時,風勢更是不饒人,我正要拍照時,一般有颱風威力的陣風迎面吹來,我得馬上蹲下躲在圍欄下,待我以為風勢稍緩時再站起來,又被另一陣風嚇怕,最後為了拍一個全景照,我祇好蹲在圍欄,祇把頭和相機伸高,快速拍幾張照後便直奔教堂內躲避,令我有種在風暴中做攝影記者的感覺!

The sight of Notre-Dame de la Garde is hard to miss in Marseille!

The last few steps to the church

A view worth braving the wind for!

The most interesting aspect of the church was the dangling of yachts and other vessels from the ceiling. I thought that one important purpose of the church was to afford a peace of mind to those seafarers who had to brave the sea. The seafarers probably needed such blessing given the often unfavourable sailing conditions on Marseille’s seas! 


The interiors of the church  教堂內部

The intimate relationship of Marseille with the sea is also evident in the fortresses, towers and museums about the Vieux Port (Old Port) district, but I didn’t have time to pay a visit this time.
馬賽和海密不可分的關係,除了在聖母教堂外,在舊港(Vieux Port)的堡壘、塔和博物館都找到痕跡,可是這次沒有時間參觀了。

The Vieux Port is full of yachts!

Different views of Notre-Dame de la Garde and Fort Ganteaume on the opposite side of the port

Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (Museum of European and Mediterranean civilizations, MuCEM), including Fort St-Jean

Vieux Port with MuCEM and Palais du Pharo

Villa Méditerranée next to MuCEM
博物館旁的Villa Méditerranée中心

Cathédrale La Major

Vieux Port in the early evening

And for foodies, proximity to the sea means plenty of fresh and inexpensive sea food in Marseille. Even a three-course sea food dinner in the tourist district only cost 15 euros. Many Marseille residents are of African origin. In the city centre there is an African Market (at Noailles) with many North African fast food places and a shop selling all sorts of spices, dried fruits, nuts and other groceries. My friend said that the décor of the shop reminded her of what she saw in Morocco. On the first night my friend took me to the music festival in town (music festivals are held on summer solstice in many cities in France). The streets were lined with stalls selling home-made cooking. African cuisine was well represented there, and my friend and I tried the Yassa chicken with rice, a typical dish from Senegal. The chicken was well marinated and stewed with a rich onion flavour, which was appetising and actually suitable to Chinese taste too!

Pottery, honey and spices in the North African grocery shop

Performers and audiences at the Music Festival

Street food galore at the Music Festival (including the Yassa chicken in the left photo)

The most representative Marseille dish - Bouillabaisse seafood soup

I managed to spot quite a number of Hong Kong tourists around the streets of Marseille. I guess most of them in fact came for the lavender in the surrounding Provence region. My friend said that Marseille is the least expensive and most down-to-earth in the French Mediterranean region, unlike the many surrounding cities which tend to attract a higher-class clientele. While Marseille is a good starting point for travelling in the nearby regions, its cultural and natural landscapes are definitely not to be missed.


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