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Showing posts from May, 2013

Springing back to Germany 春回大地,人回德國

I was back to the third home town of Munich at the end of Munich. Many of my friends and colleagues said that it was good timing because it should be well into spring and the weather should be warmer, especially a long and harsh winter. However, the warmer times haven’t really settled in yet and winter is always lurking in a dark corner somewhere. The warmer clothes that I packed proved to be more useful than I expected. 四月底我又回到第三故鄉慕尼黑,不論同事和友人都不約而同說我來的時間正好,剛好春回大地。以「春回大地」形容四月底五月初乍聽下有點晚,但各人都說剛過去的冬天特別長,而且最近天氣還不太穩定,乍暖還涼,帶來的衣物中,還是保暖的較用得著。 Spring is indeed a time when nature springs into life from hibernation. This time I’m staying in the northern fringe of the Munich city area and surrounded by a lot of greenery. The transition into spring was best manifested in the row of trees that I can see from my window. The bare branches at the time of moving in were slowly sprouting new foliages, and within a month covered by dense layers of leaves. The trees provide a good shade for kids playing ...