After my trip in the USA and Canada, it was time to head to Munich for work, but before that I spent a couple of days in Cologne (Köln in German, 7th to 8th July) followed by a day in Düsseldorf (9th July) to visit a friend. It gave me a chance to visit this north-western part of Germany since I haven’t really been to much of northern Germany during my 3 years in Munich.
Many of Cologne’s main tourist spots are concentrated near the central railway station. Right next to the station stands the imposing Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) and the top of one of its spires is the highest point in Cologne. Just a short walk away is the bridge Hohenzollernbrücke which spans the Rhine River and feeds train traffic to and from the Cologne central railway station. More than just a railway thoroughfare, there is a walkway on either side of the railway tracks separated by a metal mesh fence, where people would literally lock in their loves and romances by leaving all kinds of locks (and even handcuffs) on the fence. Through inscribing on the locks then securing them on the fence, they declare to the whole world, witnessed by all passers-by on the bridge, that their love would withstand the currents of time.
Hohenzollernbrücke is also a lively place with a constant stream of people sauntering, jogging or riding bicycles in either direction. The pillars of the bridge are ideal places for rock climbing, while the quieter ones can enjoy some serenity by the river underneath the bridge.
Other relics of old Cologne include the ancient city gates and a small stretch of the old city wall, scattered about the city centre, but there is not much of them left like many other big German cities.

Cologne is known for the perfume which is named after this city, namely Eau de Cologne. I visited the perfume museum of Farina Gegenüber and joined a guided tour there. The tour guide said that the perfume was an invention by an Italian called Farina who moved to and settled in Cologne. Farina saw a market for a less intense perfume and managed to develop a product that was loved all throughout Europe including by the nobilities. He was grateful to Cologne for his success and thus named the perfume after his adopted home. The tour guide emphasised a few times that the Farina brand was the original Eau de Cologne, and warned us against a false claim by the competing brand 4711!
科隆另一樣有名的是香水,古濃水Eau de Cologne便是以這個城市為名,我參觀過Farina Gegenüber 香水博物館,該館導賞團的導遊說,Farina原是意大利人但到科隆落戶,看中淡味香水有市場便自行調製,並風行全歐洲,Farina便把這種香水以科隆命名以示把香水獻給這個第二故鄉,導遊還反覆強調Farina香水是真正的古濃水始祖,因為有另一隻多叫4711的牌子也聲稱自己才是「原裝正貨」,導遊叫我們別誤信這個對手!
The Rhine River which flows beneath Hohenzollernbrücke and other bridges of Cologne is an important lifeblood for Cologne. The old port used to be actually located right next to the Old Town, but it has now moved and only marked by three residential blocks in the shape of cranes. Nowadays the Rhine is still an important transport route for cruise and cargo ships.
My two days in Cologne went very quickly, and it was time to go with the flow of the Rhine to my next destination, Düsseldorf, where more interesting facets of the Rhine awaited. See my next post!
Many of Cologne’s main tourist spots are concentrated near the central railway station. Right next to the station stands the imposing Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) and the top of one of its spires is the highest point in Cologne. Just a short walk away is the bridge Hohenzollernbrücke which spans the Rhine River and feeds train traffic to and from the Cologne central railway station. More than just a railway thoroughfare, there is a walkway on either side of the railway tracks separated by a metal mesh fence, where people would literally lock in their loves and romances by leaving all kinds of locks (and even handcuffs) on the fence. Through inscribing on the locks then securing them on the fence, they declare to the whole world, witnessed by all passers-by on the bridge, that their love would withstand the currents of time.
The Cologne Cathedral 科隆大教堂
Views from the top of the spire, including the Hohenzollernbrücke (left)
The sea of love locks 心心相扣
Hohenzollernbrücke is also a lively place with a constant stream of people sauntering, jogging or riding bicycles in either direction. The pillars of the bridge are ideal places for rock climbing, while the quieter ones can enjoy some serenity by the river underneath the bridge.
A panoramic view of the Hohenzollernbrücke, the Cologne Cathedral and the Old Town
A bridge for both the active and pensive
Other relics of old Cologne include the ancient city gates and a small stretch of the old city wall, scattered about the city centre, but there is not much of them left like many other big German cities.
Cologne is known for the perfume which is named after this city, namely Eau de Cologne. I visited the perfume museum of Farina Gegenüber and joined a guided tour there. The tour guide said that the perfume was an invention by an Italian called Farina who moved to and settled in Cologne. Farina saw a market for a less intense perfume and managed to develop a product that was loved all throughout Europe including by the nobilities. He was grateful to Cologne for his success and thus named the perfume after his adopted home. The tour guide emphasised a few times that the Farina brand was the original Eau de Cologne, and warned us against a false claim by the competing brand 4711!
科隆另一樣有名的是香水,古濃水Eau de Cologne便是以這個城市為名,我參觀過Farina Gegenüber 香水博物館,該館導賞團的導遊說,Farina原是意大利人但到科隆落戶,看中淡味香水有市場便自行調製,並風行全歐洲,Farina便把這種香水以科隆命名以示把香水獻給這個第二故鄉,導遊還反覆強調Farina香水是真正的古濃水始祖,因為有另一隻多叫4711的牌子也聲稱自己才是「原裝正貨」,導遊叫我們別誤信這個對手!
The Farina Gegenüber Museum
The historical relics of Unter Goldschmied, an area where goldsmiths used to congregate, opposite to the perfume museum.
The Rhine River which flows beneath Hohenzollernbrücke and other bridges of Cologne is an important lifeblood for Cologne. The old port used to be actually located right next to the Old Town, but it has now moved and only marked by three residential blocks in the shape of cranes. Nowadays the Rhine is still an important transport route for cruise and cargo ships.
The pretty houses of the Old Town lining the Rhine
The former port, now transformed
The Rhine carrying goods and tourists 萊茵河貨流和人流不斷
My two days in Cologne went very quickly, and it was time to go with the flow of the Rhine to my next destination, Düsseldorf, where more interesting facets of the Rhine awaited. See my next post!