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Showing posts from July, 2011

Exploration on my doorstep (2) 近在眼前的新大陸(2)

It's sometimes to quite easy to forget that there are still places waiting to be explored closer to Melbourne, and the last time I went was two years ago . In late April and early May I’ve finally had the chance to go to a couple of larger towns near Melbourne and caught a glimpse of what those places are like. 其實墨爾本附近還有好些地方有待我發掘,上次作這些短途旅遊已是 兩年前 的事了,但到四月底和五月初終於再次有機會,接連到過墨爾本附近的兩個大城鎮,見識一下那些地方有啥特色。 My parents and I went to Geelong on the last day of the 5-day-long Easter break to make use of the pleasant weather back then. It was rather rare that my parents could be motivated to go on a short trip with me, and it turned out to be a good decision since the weather became grey and chilly in May. We took the train to this town some 60 km away from Melbourne. In the beginning the weather threatened to spoil our fun, but it all cleared up in time just as we wanted to head to the shore. 復活節一連放假五天,而且每天天氣不錯,不出外走動就有點浪費了(踏入五月天氣驟然轉涼又灰灰暗暗,真慶幸有把握復活節時的好時光),難得家父家母都有興緻,所以我們便一同坐火車往60多公里外的吉朗市(Geelong)。...