The most eye-catching colour of autumn is red, and it is everywhere to be seen.

You can even see red in the sky!
April had plenty of days when there wasn’t a cloud in the blue skies and the weather was still warm. What better ways are there to spend those times than casually sauntering in the quiet streets – even the courtyard within the National Gallery of Victoria in the heart of the city. Time seems to slow to a lazy pace in the golden but gentle rays of the autumn sun and the tranquil surroundings, as if it were trying to stretch those beautiful days out as long as possible.

An oasis of tranquility 繁囂中的一點悠閑

Autumn through a water wall
Back at the start of April, two of the maple trees in my neighbourhood took the lead and started displaying a finely graded colour transition from green at the bottom to red at the top. The brilliant colour contrast delighted the hearts of many passers-by who paused to marvel at the view.

Colour palette au naturel 天然漸進色

Another tree putting on a good show
The maples that started their transformations late were decidedly not to be outdone. On a main street near my institute, a row of smaller maples turned completely into various shades of red, much like youths desperate to follow the latest trend but determined to be different at the same time. Those trees have given the street some much needed bright colours and life.

Other trees followed suit and put on a red colour in their own ways. I happened to come across a persimmon tree in the neighbourhood near my institute during a casual lunch time stroll just before Easter. Back then most of the persimmons were still green, but one week later all the fruit have ripened and become attractively red-orange. It was only too tempting to pick some and try!

A few Victorian-style houses near the institute have probably taken cue from nature, and one day they caught my attention with their freshly painted deep burgundy fences. The paint job did not only match the autumn sea of red but also helped to restore some former glory and charm to these classical residences.
The red maple leaves would not last forever, and before long they would senesce, turn brown and be scattered everywhere with the wind. While those leaves are a pain to clean up, some managed to see an artistic side of them. A water wall in the city is where those people can put their artistic talent into action by pasting the dried leaves into words. When I saw it one evening, I joined in the fun and made the Chinese character for autumn, which I thought was quite appropriate for the times. Like the red maple leaves, these pieces of impromptu art will be washed away with time, but like many other things in life, their momentary existence is enough to give us joy and our surroundings some much needed variety. It is a matter of keeping our senses open to wonders of life like these and capturing their best moments before they are gone.

You can even see red in the sky!
April had plenty of days when there wasn’t a cloud in the blue skies and the weather was still warm. What better ways are there to spend those times than casually sauntering in the quiet streets – even the courtyard within the National Gallery of Victoria in the heart of the city. Time seems to slow to a lazy pace in the golden but gentle rays of the autumn sun and the tranquil surroundings, as if it were trying to stretch those beautiful days out as long as possible.
An oasis of tranquility 繁囂中的一點悠閑
Autumn through a water wall
Back at the start of April, two of the maple trees in my neighbourhood took the lead and started displaying a finely graded colour transition from green at the bottom to red at the top. The brilliant colour contrast delighted the hearts of many passers-by who paused to marvel at the view.
Colour palette au naturel 天然漸進色
Another tree putting on a good show
The maples that started their transformations late were decidedly not to be outdone. On a main street near my institute, a row of smaller maples turned completely into various shades of red, much like youths desperate to follow the latest trend but determined to be different at the same time. Those trees have given the street some much needed bright colours and life.
Other trees followed suit and put on a red colour in their own ways. I happened to come across a persimmon tree in the neighbourhood near my institute during a casual lunch time stroll just before Easter. Back then most of the persimmons were still green, but one week later all the fruit have ripened and become attractively red-orange. It was only too tempting to pick some and try!
The red maple leaves would not last forever, and before long they would senesce, turn brown and be scattered everywhere with the wind. While those leaves are a pain to clean up, some managed to see an artistic side of them. A water wall in the city is where those people can put their artistic talent into action by pasting the dried leaves into words. When I saw it one evening, I joined in the fun and made the Chinese character for autumn, which I thought was quite appropriate for the times. Like the red maple leaves, these pieces of impromptu art will be washed away with time, but like many other things in life, their momentary existence is enough to give us joy and our surroundings some much needed variety. It is a matter of keeping our senses open to wonders of life like these and capturing their best moments before they are gone.
