No, this is not an advertisement for an insurance company.
It’s just an interesting finding when I ran a content analysis of my blog and had the most frequent words presented in a word cloud – the larger the word and more centrally it is positioned, the more frequently it appeared. (Try this analysis too if you like.)
To my surprise, the word that stood out loud and clear in the middle of the cloud is We, followed by My and a lot of words concerning time and quantity. Even the word timely ranked very highly, although I wonder why as I haven’t used that word that often.
Some bloggers who used it say that the word cloud is a reflection of the type of person you are, but I think it’s also a consequence of my blog topics.
I do care about time and always want to make sure that things run to plan and schedules as much as possible. These qualities probably can make life a little too regimented and dull, but they are indispensable when doing a lot of travelling, since there is always the next plane or train to catch as well as the opening hours to watch for. I couldn’t have written so many travel blogs if I haven’t paid attention or remembered the sequence of events!
I was also surprised that ‘work’ hasn’t been one of the top words. Perhaps I am after all a lazy soul or couldn’t care much about work! Well no, au contraire, and quite a few posts are related to work albeit not directly on what I’m actually working on or anything scientific, otherwise I’ll bore you and myself writing this blog!
Although by my own nature and the nature of my work that I am sometimes trapped in my own little world, I enjoy the company of my family, friends and colleagues. I am ever so grateful to them for spending time with me, sharing interesting experiences together at home or on the road, and most importantly they have been a constant source of inspiration for my blog. Your insights, opinion, witty comments and interesting conversations have broadened ,my horizons and inspired me on many of my posts. Inspiration is what a writer needs to write something purposeful and meaningful.
Keep it going, The Power of We!

The Power of We ——我當然不是為某保險公司賣廣告啦!
It’s just an interesting finding when I ran a content analysis of my blog and had the most frequent words presented in a word cloud – the larger the word and more centrally it is positioned, the more frequently it appeared. (Try this analysis too if you like.)
To my surprise, the word that stood out loud and clear in the middle of the cloud is We, followed by My and a lot of words concerning time and quantity. Even the word timely ranked very highly, although I wonder why as I haven’t used that word that often.
Some bloggers who used it say that the word cloud is a reflection of the type of person you are, but I think it’s also a consequence of my blog topics.
I do care about time and always want to make sure that things run to plan and schedules as much as possible. These qualities probably can make life a little too regimented and dull, but they are indispensable when doing a lot of travelling, since there is always the next plane or train to catch as well as the opening hours to watch for. I couldn’t have written so many travel blogs if I haven’t paid attention or remembered the sequence of events!
I was also surprised that ‘work’ hasn’t been one of the top words. Perhaps I am after all a lazy soul or couldn’t care much about work! Well no, au contraire, and quite a few posts are related to work albeit not directly on what I’m actually working on or anything scientific, otherwise I’ll bore you and myself writing this blog!
Although by my own nature and the nature of my work that I am sometimes trapped in my own little world, I enjoy the company of my family, friends and colleagues. I am ever so grateful to them for spending time with me, sharing interesting experiences together at home or on the road, and most importantly they have been a constant source of inspiration for my blog. Your insights, opinion, witty comments and interesting conversations have broadened ,my horizons and inspired me on many of my posts. Inspiration is what a writer needs to write something purposeful and meaningful.
Keep it going, The Power of We!

The Power of We ——我當然不是為某保險公司賣廣告啦!