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An autumn that doesn't seem to end 秋色無邊

After leaving Hong Kong in mid-September, I’ve spent almost two months in Europe and the trip is coming to an end in the next few days. It has been a busy time but also fun and memorable.

My first week in Europe was spent on a short holiday through Switzerland and London. Afterwards I returned to my old outpost and third home of Munich, back to my previous work place to finish off my old project and to initiate a new collaboration with other former colleagues on my current project in Australia. The first two weeks weren’t too hectic, and the timing couldn’t have been better since the 200th anniversary of the Oktoberfest beer festival was taking place at the same time. It was a good time to meet up with old friends in Munich, and for one reason or another I ended up going to the Oktoberfest 5 times in total! It has surely made up for my future absences at this festival. But into the third week after starting on my old project, I took on a 19-day stretch at work without any day off. On a few days I would find myself stuck in the dark in the basement laboratories apart from a brief break for lunch and dinner. Experiments were not the only challenge when I had to stay up for long nights; it was also quite a fight to stay awake and concentrate. A couple of people even compared me to the Chilean miners who were trapped underground!

Fortunately my long hours of struggle were not wasted. I finished what I needed to do for my old project, and the new project has exceeded everyone’s expectations. It was definitely worthwhile coming over to my old lab! After the six and a bit weeks in Munich, my boss came all the way from Australia and we left for Switzerland yesterday to do some other experiments. Afterwards we would return to Munich for a day to discuss how to carry the new project forward before flying out. Considering that I have just been back from a weekend in the Netherlands at the end of October and that my trip back to Melbourne includes a 3-day stop in Hong Kong, this is pretty intense travelling!

My days in Europe have seen early autumn slipping gradually into late autumn, and the landscape stayed colourful while the flowers slowly gave way to bright autumn leaves in technicolour. This autumn has been longer than the European norm. Even at the start of November the weather is still on the warm side and many trees were still holding onto their leaves with a good variety of colours. I used to say that autumn in Europe is generally short, and that November is my least favourite month because of the grey skies, cold days and nothing to do before Christmas, Chinese New Year and the snow sports season. But this long autumn is going to change my view with its pleasant weather and beautiful sceneries. I’m sure that you’ll like them too after seeing a small sampler of my photos – more will be on the way!

11/9/2010: Rigi Kulm, near Lucerne, Switzerland 瑞士盧塞因附近的Rigi Kulm

13/9/2010: Holland Park, London 倫敦荷蘭公園

2/10/2010 The streets near my lab in Munich 慕尼黑實驗室附近的街道

3/10/2010: The mountains near Lenggries, south of Munich 慕尼黑以南Lenggries一帶的高山

24/10/2010: Weltenburg - home to the oldest monastery brewery in the world! 德國Weltenburg——全世界歷史最悠久的修道院釀酒廠

30-31/10/2010: The Netherlands 荷蘭

4-8/11/2010: Brugg and Villigen, Switzerland 瑞士Brugg及Villigen


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