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A quick island escape 一睹南丫島

Where I stayed in Hong Kong was just a stone's throw away from Lamma Island, which I could see every day across a small sea channel. I've heard that it is a good hiking location and I've been itching to try it for myself.

When I found out that I could take a small boat (called Kaito in Hong Kong) from the district of Aberdeen nearby to the two largest villages on Lamma Island, I decided to make use of it and spend an afternoon there.

The East Lamma Channel that the Kaito crosses is a busy shipping channel heavily utilised by container ships into and out of Hong Kong's container ports. Shortly into the voyage we encountered a supertanker which pushed out a tube of waves along its path. It looked innocuous from afar, but I realised that it was actually something far more treacherous when the boat stopped momentarily. I grabbed hold of the metal fencing of the boat and before long the boat was tossed up and down twice. My body was given a good shake-up inside and out!

A few of the many container ships traversing the East Lamma Channel

Hong Kong likes to boost of how the depth of its waters facilitates movement of container ships, but if a supertanker can produce such waves, one has to surmise that it's not so deep after all.

Everything returned to normal after the waves have swept by, and the boat continued to the first stop, Mo Dat Wan, a rather seclusive bay.

Right: lying in a floating bed and letting the boat do all the work!

Shortly afterwards the Kaito reached its destination, Sok Kwu Wan (Picnic Bay). The fish farms and the seafood stores still looked the same they were as I last visited 3 years ago.

Left: Tin Hau Temple (goddess for seafarers); right: near the Sok Kwu Wan Pier

I looked up a map and found a signpost that pointed me to a trail towards the other village of Yung Shue Wan. From then on I embarked on a ramble along this trail. Fortunately it wasn't overly arduous as the weather wasn't too hot and many parts of the trail was shady under the trees.

The mud flats just outside Sok Kwu Wan

Kamikaze Cave, where the Japanese stored their boats for kamikaze attacks against the Allies during World War II 神風洞,第二次世界大戰日軍「神風敢死隊」占據香港時,在洞內收藏突擊快艇,對盟軍的艦隻進行自殺式襲擊之用

A local school (left) and a small village (right) along the trail


A pavilion half-way up the hill provided a perfect spot both for a respite and for looking back on Sok Kwu Wan.

After reaching a small peak, the view along the track suddenly opened up to rolling green hills that ran all the way to the coast and surrounded a few secluded bays. The scenery somehow reminded me of Cinque Terre in Italy that I visited in 2005. This walk is like a mini version of the hike between the five villages, save that they were real mountains in Italy and the slopes were a lot steeper.
翻過一個小峰後,小徑突然變得開揚,環顧四周,盡是一片綠色的山巒,一直伸展至海邊,環抱著一個又一個恬靜的海灣,風光不知怎樣令我想起五年前曾踏足過的意大利五漁村Cinque Terre,有點像五條村之間的山路的縮影,當然意大利那裡山高得多、崖也陡得多。

Although Lamma Island is quite a distance away from the heart of Hong Kong, it is not totally insulated from intrusions of modern urban life. This hiking trail is not particularly demanding and is totally paved with concrete. That's probably why I could actually see people walking in their flip-flops along the way! Another rare sight (to me, anyway) is police patrol along the trail as it passes through a few small villages en route. In many parts of the Western world, one doesn't even see the police patrolling normal streets so often! But the most distinctive sight of all has to be the electricity plant which is easily visible on the west coast of Lamma Island. It is indeed quite unusual to have the big chimneys of the plant as the backdrop to the many beaches on the island!

Yet another sign of intrusion by urban life: a cement plant seen from the pavilion

The omnipresent chimneys 活在煙囪的陰影中!

The highest point of the island stands a wind turbine, and it is also a good vantage point for the Hong Kong Island. (The turbine can be seen quite easily from where I stayed as well.) From there, it was almost another hour of walk before arriving at the other end of the trail, Yung Shue Wan. It is a far bigger village than Sok Kwu Wan with a greater variety of shops and eating places (apart from seafood restaurants). Had I knew that it would be a long wait for my ferry back to Aberdeen, I would have paid a visit to some of those popular ones a bit farther away from the pier.

The turbine at the Lamma Winds power station

A village blended into the natural environment at the foot of the wind power station

Yung Shue Wan and its pier

I decided to kill time by walking to a nearby village and the next stop for the Kaito ferry, Pak Kok Tsuen (literally northern tip village). The village wasn't particularly well-known and there was hardly anyone to be seen walking along this route. Then I realised why as soon as I reached the village: the view en route wasn't much to speak of, and that tranquil dormitory village had only one store that took me a while to find!

A glimpse of the Victoria Harbour and the suspension bridges on the hills near Pak Kok Tsuen.

But at this northern tip of the island, the pier offers an unobstructed view of the sea and a quiet fishing spot.

The boat back to Aberdeen finally turned up. The evening sun made a re-appearance from the veils of clouds as the boat slowly sailed to its destination, and showed its most glorious facet when we entered the typhoon shelter of Aberdeen. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect ending to this little adventure that I've longed for!


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