This winter hasn’t been too cold, and watching the sea can be a leisure when it’s not windy.
St. Kilda is one of the better known beaches in Melbourne. While it’s really not too difficult to find a better beach around Australia, what attract people to St. Kilda are the variety of shops and restaurants in the neighbourhood as well as the Luna Park amusement park by the sea. There are enough things to keep one occupied for a whole day.
墨爾本其中最為人熟悉的海灘是St. Kilda,在澳洲隨便找一個更好的海灘委實不難,但St. Kilda勝在充滿生氣,毗鄰海灘,特色商店和食肆比比皆是,也有個小型遊樂場Luna Park,到那裡打發一天是挺寫意的。

Lively decorations above the shops at St. Kilda (left) and on a railway bridge in the adjoining suburb Balaclava (right)
St. Kilda的商店屋頂上(左)和鄰近Balaclava區火車橋上(右)生氣盎然的裝飾

The classic roller coaster that still requires manual control! (See the man standing in the middle of the train.)
But in the middle of winter, most would have preferred the comforts of restaurants and shops. The amusement games in Luna Park haven’t pulled such large crowds, and even fewer people would brave the seaside. This is exactly the time when the beach can show its more tranquil face, providing the perfect backdrop for a unhurried stroll and intimate chatting along the way. In the middle of the beach, a jetty protrudes about 100 metres out to the sea and offers arguably one of the best positions to enjoy a view of Melbourne with the sea. (The other place is Docklands to the west of the CBD.) The St. Kilda Sea Baths by the beach doubles up as a viewing point for the St. Kilda area on its roof. On the day when I went for a beach walk with a friend, we had the fortune to enjoy the scene of the beach and its surrounds all to ourselves there.
不過一到冬天,大部分人都躲到餐廳或商店裡,遊樂場內玩機動遊戲的也不算太多,沿海邊逛逛的人則更少,那倒可令人感受一下海灘恬靜的一面,散步談心和拍攝時也可更從從容容。海灘有一道伸出海中約100米的渡頭,是拍攝墨爾本市區海景的上佳地點(另一處是船塢區Docklands),而海傍的公眾浴池(St. Kilda Sea Baths),最上層的陽台正好讓人踞高臨下觀賞海灘全景,那天我和朋友正好有幸獨佔這個風景。

St. Kilda Sea Baths (left) and the view of St. Kilda Beach from there (below two)
St. Kilda公眾浴池(左)和從該處看到的海灘景色(下兩圖)

The St. Kilda Pier (left), a place to see Melbourne city differently (right)
在St. Kilda碼頭(左)欣賞難得一見的墨爾本海景(右)

Plain sailing on a winter day
The views of the sea in the water is certainly different to those from the land and always await exploring. But unless one is as enthused in diving as my Danish colleague, most of us would probably settle with browsing the shop front of a fishmonger, or visiting the aquarium for something more varied and animated!
The Melbourne Aquarium covers a great range of organisms from the inland rivers to the beds of oceans, spanning the Australian tropics in the north to Antarctica in the south. The penguins are there to capture everyone’s attention as soon as people step inside the Aquarium. While they may look clumsy shuffling their feet when walking, they show their agile side in water as they make rapid bursts and darts in their swim like flying bullets. Another kind of flying can be seen in the basement, in the Oceanarium where the deep sea animals are kept. Dragging long whips as their tails, the stingrays swim like a cloth flying in the wind, and when walking underneath them it feels like a cloth is about to cover one completely from above the head! The Aquarium offers everyone a glimpse into the lives of organisms which we so rarely encounter, and understand the world in which they call home.
墨爾本水族館(Melbourne Aquarium)內的物種,由內陸河流至深海海床都包羅萬有,北至澳洲熱帶,南至南極冰天雪地都函蓋了,連企鵝也進駐了,而且是甫踏入展館的最當眼位置,別少覷其在陸上步行時步履蹣跚,一跳進水裡便游得活像一枚枚子彈那般快速靈活!住在地庫的深水展館的幾尾魔鬼魚,曳一條幼長的鞭狀尾巴,伸展開來時魚身把整個人包住也可以,在行人管道時如遇上魔鬼魚剛好在頭頂游過的話,就好像看到一片飄流過來的布疋。海洋生物的作息和生活動態難得一見,逛一趟水族館正好讓我們更好好了解。

You'll know the consequences if you tease us!

Sluggish on land (top left), maladroit walkers (top right) but propusion jets in water (below)!

It's easier to see through their hearts than human's!

Meaty fishes: the Murray cod (left) and the Giant Gourami (right)

Safety in company! 結伴同行,有人照應!

Taking a breather ... 請勿打擾!
A walk by the sea and immersing ourselves in the aquarium let us free ourselves temporarily from a world that we’re used to while our visions and minds wander adrift into the deep. This is the magic of the sea.
St. Kilda is one of the better known beaches in Melbourne. While it’s really not too difficult to find a better beach around Australia, what attract people to St. Kilda are the variety of shops and restaurants in the neighbourhood as well as the Luna Park amusement park by the sea. There are enough things to keep one occupied for a whole day.
墨爾本其中最為人熟悉的海灘是St. Kilda,在澳洲隨便找一個更好的海灘委實不難,但St. Kilda勝在充滿生氣,毗鄰海灘,特色商店和食肆比比皆是,也有個小型遊樂場Luna Park,到那裡打發一天是挺寫意的。
Lively decorations above the shops at St. Kilda (left) and on a railway bridge in the adjoining suburb Balaclava (right)
St. Kilda的商店屋頂上(左)和鄰近Balaclava區火車橋上(右)生氣盎然的裝飾
The classic roller coaster that still requires manual control! (See the man standing in the middle of the train.)
But in the middle of winter, most would have preferred the comforts of restaurants and shops. The amusement games in Luna Park haven’t pulled such large crowds, and even fewer people would brave the seaside. This is exactly the time when the beach can show its more tranquil face, providing the perfect backdrop for a unhurried stroll and intimate chatting along the way. In the middle of the beach, a jetty protrudes about 100 metres out to the sea and offers arguably one of the best positions to enjoy a view of Melbourne with the sea. (The other place is Docklands to the west of the CBD.) The St. Kilda Sea Baths by the beach doubles up as a viewing point for the St. Kilda area on its roof. On the day when I went for a beach walk with a friend, we had the fortune to enjoy the scene of the beach and its surrounds all to ourselves there.
不過一到冬天,大部分人都躲到餐廳或商店裡,遊樂場內玩機動遊戲的也不算太多,沿海邊逛逛的人則更少,那倒可令人感受一下海灘恬靜的一面,散步談心和拍攝時也可更從從容容。海灘有一道伸出海中約100米的渡頭,是拍攝墨爾本市區海景的上佳地點(另一處是船塢區Docklands),而海傍的公眾浴池(St. Kilda Sea Baths),最上層的陽台正好讓人踞高臨下觀賞海灘全景,那天我和朋友正好有幸獨佔這個風景。
St. Kilda Sea Baths (left) and the view of St. Kilda Beach from there (below two)
St. Kilda公眾浴池(左)和從該處看到的海灘景色(下兩圖)
The St. Kilda Pier (left), a place to see Melbourne city differently (right)
在St. Kilda碼頭(左)欣賞難得一見的墨爾本海景(右)
Plain sailing on a winter day
The Melbourne Aquarium covers a great range of organisms from the inland rivers to the beds of oceans, spanning the Australian tropics in the north to Antarctica in the south. The penguins are there to capture everyone’s attention as soon as people step inside the Aquarium. While they may look clumsy shuffling their feet when walking, they show their agile side in water as they make rapid bursts and darts in their swim like flying bullets. Another kind of flying can be seen in the basement, in the Oceanarium where the deep sea animals are kept. Dragging long whips as their tails, the stingrays swim like a cloth flying in the wind, and when walking underneath them it feels like a cloth is about to cover one completely from above the head! The Aquarium offers everyone a glimpse into the lives of organisms which we so rarely encounter, and understand the world in which they call home.
墨爾本水族館(Melbourne Aquarium)內的物種,由內陸河流至深海海床都包羅萬有,北至澳洲熱帶,南至南極冰天雪地都函蓋了,連企鵝也進駐了,而且是甫踏入展館的最當眼位置,別少覷其在陸上步行時步履蹣跚,一跳進水裡便游得活像一枚枚子彈那般快速靈活!住在地庫的深水展館的幾尾魔鬼魚,曳一條幼長的鞭狀尾巴,伸展開來時魚身把整個人包住也可以,在行人管道時如遇上魔鬼魚剛好在頭頂游過的話,就好像看到一片飄流過來的布疋。海洋生物的作息和生活動態難得一見,逛一趟水族館正好讓我們更好好了解。
You'll know the consequences if you tease us!
Sluggish on land (top left), maladroit walkers (top right) but propusion jets in water (below)!
It's easier to see through their hearts than human's!
Meaty fishes: the Murray cod (left) and the Giant Gourami (right)
Safety in company! 結伴同行,有人照應!
Taking a breather ... 請勿打擾!
A walk by the sea and immersing ourselves in the aquarium let us free ourselves temporarily from a world that we’re used to while our visions and minds wander adrift into the deep. This is the magic of the sea.