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Showing posts from February, 2010

Science by the sea at Lorne 看海——和開會議——的日子

February is the peak of summer in southern Australia and the best time to enjoy what summer has to offer. We scientists only know it too well, so every year we go to this seaside town of Lorne, about 150 km from Melbourne, for the annual conference on protein science. 二月正值澳洲的盛暑,是享受夏日最佳時機,我們做研究的也深明此道理,所以每年這個時候都會在離墨爾本150公里的海濱小鎮Lorne開一年一度的蛋白質科學會議。 Lorne has certainly received a facelift during my six years of absence from that place. Thankfully the laid back atmosphere and the lure of the sea still abound. In the mornings the beach is just an au naturel mix of golden sand, roaring waves and refreshing smells of the sea, spared of people save the odd few talking a stroll or walking their dogs. But come the afternoons and the beach will be invaded en masse by sunbathers, swimmers and surfers taking advantage of this natural playground. 和Lorne這個地方闊別六年了,Lorne的面貌光鮮了不少,可幸那種海濱悠閑的氣氛和大海的氣息依然不變,早上的海灘,金黃的沙、澎湃的浪濤和清新的海洋氣味依舊,寬廣的海灘,祇是三數漫步者和攜犬者的天下,到了下午,海灘便給弄潮兒進駐,遊泳的、曬太陽的和玩衝浪的都有。 The beach is a popular ...