The latest issue of the scientific journal Nature has a report on ‘smart mice’ that have certain genetic manipulation to enhance some brain functions. Compared to normal ones, these manipulated mice show better performance in a variety of standard tests. For example, it takes fewer trials for them to find the floating platform when swimming in a body of water (the water maze), or they are able to find their way through a more complicated labyrinth in a shorter time. However these advantages do come with some trade-offs. The mice that perform better in a complicated labyrinth perform less well in a simpler labyrinth than normal mice, and one of the manipulated genes in another type of smart mice is often involved in cancer development. (If you cannot read the article online, please ask me for a pdf copy.)
Of course the scientists hope to learn something from the mice to advance treatments for neurological disorders or enhance mental functions. But before they can reach meaningful and definitive conclusions from their studies, many of us can’t already wait to enhance our mental performances with medications that were originally intended for counteracting attention deficiency or improving alertness under sleep deficit. With the continual improvement in gene technology, it’s not so far-fetched that one day we may be able to tweak our genomes for improving our mental abilities or curing some currently intractable neurological conditions.
The longer term consequences of such ‘mental enhancement’ in humans are yet to be seen for ages to come because of our longer lifespan. If anything can be generalised from the mice experiments, it would be that there is a price to pay for any enhancement to brain function, be it subtle and of longer tem or deleterious and immediate. At this stage, we simply don’t know enough of how the brain works to be able to manipulate it profitably at will without side-effects. High-performing autism provides a good illustration of how individuals displaying extreme talent in a specialised field often have a flip side in the form of difficulties in social interactions. Can there ever be a person with an all-round brain? Even if human technology may never get us there, will natural evolution be able to do it for us one day, given enough time? These days many of us can’t help but notice how today’s baby and young children are smarter than their generation, because of improved health standards, better care and greater environmental stimuli. This has no doubt provided a good starting point for evolution to select for a smarter future human race with better capabilities of the brain.

Of course the scientists hope to learn something from the mice to advance treatments for neurological disorders or enhance mental functions. But before they can reach meaningful and definitive conclusions from their studies, many of us can’t already wait to enhance our mental performances with medications that were originally intended for counteracting attention deficiency or improving alertness under sleep deficit. With the continual improvement in gene technology, it’s not so far-fetched that one day we may be able to tweak our genomes for improving our mental abilities or curing some currently intractable neurological conditions.
The longer term consequences of such ‘mental enhancement’ in humans are yet to be seen for ages to come because of our longer lifespan. If anything can be generalised from the mice experiments, it would be that there is a price to pay for any enhancement to brain function, be it subtle and of longer tem or deleterious and immediate. At this stage, we simply don’t know enough of how the brain works to be able to manipulate it profitably at will without side-effects. High-performing autism provides a good illustration of how individuals displaying extreme talent in a specialised field often have a flip side in the form of difficulties in social interactions. Can there ever be a person with an all-round brain? Even if human technology may never get us there, will natural evolution be able to do it for us one day, given enough time? These days many of us can’t help but notice how today’s baby and young children are smarter than their generation, because of improved health standards, better care and greater environmental stimuli. This has no doubt provided a good starting point for evolution to select for a smarter future human race with better capabilities of the brain.