The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade issues travel advisories for all countries in the world, and the list is nothing short of exhaustive. Obviously Hong Kong’s perpetual air pollution gets a mention (and it touched the nerves of the local media), as well as the haze that descends upon Singapore between July and October.
But Australian major cities are not totally spotless in regard to air pollution. Last Saturday I was quite surprised by the reduced visibility on the roads when driving under the broad daylight of noon. Since it was not supposed to be a foggy day, the only possibility was a haze or smog of some kind. I never thought that it could occur on a day with lighter traffic like the weekend.
The lab where I am working now is located on the 8th floor of a hospital building adjoining the main building of the research institute, and we have to go through an outdoor stairway whenever we want to enter or exit the main building. The stairway offers an unhindered view of Melbourne’s western suburbs, which happens to be quite a good indicator of the air quality especially on sunny days. While the view is crystal clear on many days, there are also days when it appears blurry and hazy in a distance. Those hazy days account for 20 to 30 % of all sunny days by my reckoning.
Despite this, it’s hard to argue against the fact that Melbourne’s air quality is overall far better than most Asian cities (at least not as serious as Hong Kong where the opposite side of the Victoria Harbour can be rendered almost invisible on days of heavy pollution). However, I must say I haven’t paid much attention to Melbourne’s air pollution until now, when I have the chance to observe it day in day out. So should there be a travel advisory on Melbourne regarding the air pollution? I’ll let the Department of Home Affairs to decide.

Cool views from my lab
Last week I played host to an Australian friend working in the Netherlands at the moment. As he has never been to Melbourne before, I offered to show him around and take him to dinner.
I started talking about city streets, and told him about King Street which has attracted a lot of negative publicity. More than a street of office buildings, King Street is also full of bars and night clubs that breed much alcohol-fuelled violence at night. While it’s safe to go there during the day, I told my friend that he should avoid that street at night unless there is a very good reason. I remember making the same advice to another friend from Hong Kong who came to Melbourne for a 2-month course, and his course instructor also said the same thing.
My Australian friend then asked me if there were places in Munich and Hong Kong which were to be avoided. I said that there was none in Munich, to the extent that I could not even describe any part of Munich shabby or run-down. As to Hong Kong, I said that people only had to be more careful in certain places but there was no need to avoid any particular place.
We went to a well-known trendy bar nearby after dinner, and above the entrance door there was a clear sign saying ‘No alcohol served after 1 a.m.’. This must be a recent policy adopted in the Melbourne city council area. That reminded me of a proposal by my local council to have alcohol served in plastic cups instead of glasses after 23:00 to reduce the risk and incidence of violence arising from alcohol consumption in bars and clubs. Is such violence becoming a much more serious issue now, I wonder?
It is indeed a pity that a local host has to advise his visiting friends to avoid certain parts of city, as I told my friend. There’s no way for me to gauge how bad alcohol-induced violence has become in Melbourne. If the authorities are implementing this myriad of policies even though the situation is not so grave, it is not going to do much favour to the public’s impression on Melbourne. But as Australians are known for their love of alcohol, and alcohol doesn't mix well with the hot-headed and hot-blooded - especially the youths, I’m afraid the real situation cannot be taken too lightly.
介紹到市區街道時,我便告訴朋友,這裡有條King Street,是辦公室區之餘,酒吧夜店多,酒醉鬧事的暴力事故時有發生,白天到那裡問題不大,但入夜後沒必要則千萬別前去了。想起去年有香港友人來墨爾本報讀一個為期兩個月的課程,我得悉後亦奉勸他避免去King Street,連那個導師也如是說。
But Australian major cities are not totally spotless in regard to air pollution. Last Saturday I was quite surprised by the reduced visibility on the roads when driving under the broad daylight of noon. Since it was not supposed to be a foggy day, the only possibility was a haze or smog of some kind. I never thought that it could occur on a day with lighter traffic like the weekend.
The lab where I am working now is located on the 8th floor of a hospital building adjoining the main building of the research institute, and we have to go through an outdoor stairway whenever we want to enter or exit the main building. The stairway offers an unhindered view of Melbourne’s western suburbs, which happens to be quite a good indicator of the air quality especially on sunny days. While the view is crystal clear on many days, there are also days when it appears blurry and hazy in a distance. Those hazy days account for 20 to 30 % of all sunny days by my reckoning.
Despite this, it’s hard to argue against the fact that Melbourne’s air quality is overall far better than most Asian cities (at least not as serious as Hong Kong where the opposite side of the Victoria Harbour can be rendered almost invisible on days of heavy pollution). However, I must say I haven’t paid much attention to Melbourne’s air pollution until now, when I have the chance to observe it day in day out. So should there be a travel advisory on Melbourne regarding the air pollution? I’ll let the Department of Home Affairs to decide.
Cool views from my lab
Last week I played host to an Australian friend working in the Netherlands at the moment. As he has never been to Melbourne before, I offered to show him around and take him to dinner.
I started talking about city streets, and told him about King Street which has attracted a lot of negative publicity. More than a street of office buildings, King Street is also full of bars and night clubs that breed much alcohol-fuelled violence at night. While it’s safe to go there during the day, I told my friend that he should avoid that street at night unless there is a very good reason. I remember making the same advice to another friend from Hong Kong who came to Melbourne for a 2-month course, and his course instructor also said the same thing.
My Australian friend then asked me if there were places in Munich and Hong Kong which were to be avoided. I said that there was none in Munich, to the extent that I could not even describe any part of Munich shabby or run-down. As to Hong Kong, I said that people only had to be more careful in certain places but there was no need to avoid any particular place.
We went to a well-known trendy bar nearby after dinner, and above the entrance door there was a clear sign saying ‘No alcohol served after 1 a.m.’. This must be a recent policy adopted in the Melbourne city council area. That reminded me of a proposal by my local council to have alcohol served in plastic cups instead of glasses after 23:00 to reduce the risk and incidence of violence arising from alcohol consumption in bars and clubs. Is such violence becoming a much more serious issue now, I wonder?
It is indeed a pity that a local host has to advise his visiting friends to avoid certain parts of city, as I told my friend. There’s no way for me to gauge how bad alcohol-induced violence has become in Melbourne. If the authorities are implementing this myriad of policies even though the situation is not so grave, it is not going to do much favour to the public’s impression on Melbourne. But as Australians are known for their love of alcohol, and alcohol doesn't mix well with the hot-headed and hot-blooded - especially the youths, I’m afraid the real situation cannot be taken too lightly.
介紹到市區街道時,我便告訴朋友,這裡有條King Street,是辦公室區之餘,酒吧夜店多,酒醉鬧事的暴力事故時有發生,白天到那裡問題不大,但入夜後沒必要則千萬別前去了。想起去年有香港友人來墨爾本報讀一個為期兩個月的課程,我得悉後亦奉勸他避免去King Street,連那個導師也如是說。
據當地人說,酗酒問題,是因為以前這裡十一時以後便沒有酒賣,所以有很多binge drinking(中文是什麼?)。就算現在規限鬆了,這文化依然遺留下來。