My trip to mainland China allowed me to have an appreciation of what's going on in this vast country, although it may not be very deep in such a short time. 這次到國內一遊,除了遊山玩水外,也可瞭解一下國情——那管祇是匆匆一瞥,不是太深入。 The slogans and government advertisements offered glimpses into what life was like and the concerns of the populace in the various places we visited. Interestingly, the focusses were all different depending on the part of the country, according to my local friends. 祇要留心四周的標語和宣傳,大概對不同地方的民情和關注的社會問題都可以略知一二。當我嚮導的朋友說,在國內不同地方的題材都有所不同。 On our way from Shanghai to Xitang , we changed buses in Jiashan County which was full of publicity for the military. We wondered why that was; could it be that there were many military personnels living there? 從上海往 西塘 ,在嘉善縣倒車時,到處都看到支持軍隊的宣傳,究竟是不是那裡軍人較多? Translations: Top left - wide, deep and continued effort to support the military, care for relatives of the personnels, support the government and care for the ordinary people. Top right - your love for the count...