After a week of settling in, it’s time to be out and about again, although it’s only a trip with my parents to Melbourne city to see how much has changed over the last three years.
The view by the Yarra River is arguably still one of the best that Melbourne can offer. A lot of water has flowed under the many bridges crossing the Yarra since I last left, but rather unfortunately it still had this ugly brown colour that spoiled the otherwise picture-perfect scenery.
雅拉河畔(Yarra River)兩岸的景色仍是全墨爾本最美,不過河水仍舊啡黃,乃一大美中不足也。

We took our time sauntering by the river and making frequent stops for photos, on a track shared by pedestrians and cyclists. We know we must have been a pain to the cyclists, but surprisingly there were neither incessantly ringing bells nor angry yelling, just patient cyclists who slowed down and made way for us. What a nice change from Germany where cyclists are only too happy to ‘ding ding’ their way through at high speed even when they’re sharing the path with pedestrians!
Lunch at a food court in a shopping centre afterwards was a plastic affair, as metal utensils and porcelain plates have given way to disposable plastic (apart from my sizzling hot plate meal) like the US, much to my chagrin! But this is probably the lesser of two evils when Melbourne is still suffering a prolonged drought and washing the utensils and plates would consume a lot of precious water. It’s not an easy choice.

A disused factory under the dome of the shopping centre
Speaking of the sizzling hot plate meal, it was meant to come with a complimentary soft drink, but the shop had the audacity to say that they had run out of soft drinks and even to decline my request for some water. This place is now on my permanent black list …
My parents are probably too pleased to have a son to help them navigate their way, whether to lunch or a visit to Port Melbourne afterwards. They didn’t seem to mind that my knowledge of city streets and public transport was still stuck at February 2006. Neither was another woman who overslept her stop on our train home and came to ask me for her way back.
不論是去吃午飯,或是飯後往墨爾本港(Port Melbourne)一逛,都是靠我帶路,我對街道和坐車的認識,都停留在三年前,難道仍值得信任?(後來回家的火車上有過女人睡過了站,也來問我該怎樣坐車,看來我也應對自己有點信心才是。)
I’ve almost forgotten how the sea looks like until I came to Port Melbourne (notwithstanding a rushed trip to Hong Kong at the end of last month). If one divides the shore line by the pier there (including the pier for the ferry to Tasmania), one side is a residential area facing a jetty with a couple of restaurants, not too unlike some parts of the Californian coast. A stroll to the other side took us to the coast of Mediterranean France in no time with the beach and the style of buildings along it.

La mer, tu me manques!

The pier and the residential area 碼頭及住宅區

Life's a beach ... 悠閒的海濱
It was actually the first time I went to Port Melbourne, so it was pretty new to me. The Southern Cross railway station where we took the train home was another eye-opener which has transformed itself from its nondescript former self. Its fancy wavy roof and meshwork of struts apart, the station also had functionality in mind, with a spacious interior that was bathed in generous sunshine. The whole place has certainly stunned me and left me with a lasting impression.
從前從沒去過墨爾本港,所以對我來說很是新鮮,回家時坐火車的南十字星車站(Southern Cross),也是個新地標,波浪形的屋頂,以錯縱的鐵支條承托着,陽光從四分八面照進車站,更能展亮車站的動感和寬廣的空間,令我眼前一亮!

The ultra-modern Southern Cross station 極具時代感的南十字星車站
The view by the Yarra River is arguably still one of the best that Melbourne can offer. A lot of water has flowed under the many bridges crossing the Yarra since I last left, but rather unfortunately it still had this ugly brown colour that spoiled the otherwise picture-perfect scenery.
雅拉河畔(Yarra River)兩岸的景色仍是全墨爾本最美,不過河水仍舊啡黃,乃一大美中不足也。
We took our time sauntering by the river and making frequent stops for photos, on a track shared by pedestrians and cyclists. We know we must have been a pain to the cyclists, but surprisingly there were neither incessantly ringing bells nor angry yelling, just patient cyclists who slowed down and made way for us. What a nice change from Germany where cyclists are only too happy to ‘ding ding’ their way through at high speed even when they’re sharing the path with pedestrians!
Lunch at a food court in a shopping centre afterwards was a plastic affair, as metal utensils and porcelain plates have given way to disposable plastic (apart from my sizzling hot plate meal) like the US, much to my chagrin! But this is probably the lesser of two evils when Melbourne is still suffering a prolonged drought and washing the utensils and plates would consume a lot of precious water. It’s not an easy choice.
A disused factory under the dome of the shopping centre
Speaking of the sizzling hot plate meal, it was meant to come with a complimentary soft drink, but the shop had the audacity to say that they had run out of soft drinks and even to decline my request for some water. This place is now on my permanent black list …
My parents are probably too pleased to have a son to help them navigate their way, whether to lunch or a visit to Port Melbourne afterwards. They didn’t seem to mind that my knowledge of city streets and public transport was still stuck at February 2006. Neither was another woman who overslept her stop on our train home and came to ask me for her way back.
不論是去吃午飯,或是飯後往墨爾本港(Port Melbourne)一逛,都是靠我帶路,我對街道和坐車的認識,都停留在三年前,難道仍值得信任?(後來回家的火車上有過女人睡過了站,也來問我該怎樣坐車,看來我也應對自己有點信心才是。)
I’ve almost forgotten how the sea looks like until I came to Port Melbourne (notwithstanding a rushed trip to Hong Kong at the end of last month). If one divides the shore line by the pier there (including the pier for the ferry to Tasmania), one side is a residential area facing a jetty with a couple of restaurants, not too unlike some parts of the Californian coast. A stroll to the other side took us to the coast of Mediterranean France in no time with the beach and the style of buildings along it.
La mer, tu me manques!
The pier and the residential area 碼頭及住宅區
Life's a beach ... 悠閒的海濱
It was actually the first time I went to Port Melbourne, so it was pretty new to me. The Southern Cross railway station where we took the train home was another eye-opener which has transformed itself from its nondescript former self. Its fancy wavy roof and meshwork of struts apart, the station also had functionality in mind, with a spacious interior that was bathed in generous sunshine. The whole place has certainly stunned me and left me with a lasting impression.
從前從沒去過墨爾本港,所以對我來說很是新鮮,回家時坐火車的南十字星車站(Southern Cross),也是個新地標,波浪形的屋頂,以錯縱的鐵支條承托着,陽光從四分八面照進車站,更能展亮車站的動感和寬廣的空間,令我眼前一亮!
The ultra-modern Southern Cross station 極具時代感的南十字星車站