The middle of August was a perfect time for a trip to Hungary. It’s such a waste not to make good use of the long weekend and the Hungarian colleagues who were having their holidays back home.
A Chinese colleague in my department joined me on this trip and took an additional day off before the long weekend. We left for Budapest late at night on 13th August and arrived in Budapest the next day. Our plans for our first day was to visit the Danube Bend region (Dunakanyar) which isn’t too far away from Budapest, in particular the two or three towns recommended by one of the Hungarian colleagues. We had wanted to head off earlier, but the late arrival of our overnight train and settling into our accommodation had kept us past midday before we were ready to go.
Our trip got off to a bumpy start from the city centre of Budapest to the town of Szentendre (i.e. St. Andrew in English). The 40 or so minutes on the trip gave our bodies a thorough shake-up as well as the sensation of riding on a galloping horse. When I described this to another Hungarian colleague later in the trip, he joked that many Hungarian railways, roads or pavements were deliberately kept this way since the Hungarian people were known to love horse-riding!
After reaching Szentendre at about 14:00, we first took a stroll in the main street of the town and came to the St. John Roman Catholic Parish Church atop a small hill following the recommendations of the tourist centre. As we were in search of food after visiting the church, we let our sense of smell guide us to a laneway where there was a shop selling langos (deep-fried Hungarian bread dough with various toppings). The laneway led us directly to the bank of the Danube (called Duna in Hungarian). It was the best place to enjoy a lunch, in a relaxing atmosphere and scenic backdrop of a tranquil flow of water across the breadth of the Danube.

The main street of Szentendre, Bogdányi utca
聖安德列的大街Bogdányi utca

The marzipan museum with its delicious displays

The triangular Fot Square

St. John Roman Catholic Parish Church

The view of roofs from the Parish Church - notice how some of the ridges have become curved

Serbian Orthodox Church

The streets of Szentendre were lined with textiles and crafts shops

My langos topped with ewe's cheese and bacon pieces

The picturesque lunch stop
It was time to head to the next town of Esztergom after our meal, but we missed a bus by 10 minutes and had to wait for another 50 minutes until 16:10 for our bus. It was 17:40 at the end of the bus ride, and according to the information we gathered, we could only stay in Esztergom for 1 1/2 hours.
Not far from where we alighted was the Szechenyi Ter (Szechenyi Square), which was spared of hustle and bustle as the day was winding down. The overall layout of the square was pretty lively while the fountains and benches all displayed meticulous craftsmanship.

The houses leading to the square

The town hall at one end of the square

Sculpted benches

Fountains 噴水池
Then we climbed up the nearby Szent Tamás hegy (St. Thomas Hill) which provided one of the best viewing points of the whole town. On top of this hill was the Kápolna a Szent Tamás hegyen (Chapel of St. Thomas Hill), whose white walls was particularly glaring under the blue skies. On top of the hill across the road was the Basilica of Esztergom. As we walked downhill from the Chapel en route to the Basilica, we came across a series of sculpted plaques depicting the scenes of Crucifixion.
之後登上附近的多瑪斯山(Szent Tamás hegy),沿途可飽覽全市景色,山頂有座小教堂(Kápolna a Szent Tamás hegyen),白色的牆身在藍天下特別鮮明,與這座山隔了一條馬路的是市內的大教堂,下山前往大教堂時,路邊豎了一列石碑,刻有耶穌受難的一幕幕。

Some sort of military commemoration midway uphill

The view of Esztergom from the hill

Kápolna a Szent Tamás hegyen

The Basilica on the hill
The Basilica is more than simply an important religious establishment due to its significance in Hungarian history. This largest church of Hungary (and one of the largest in the world) was where the first King of Hungary (known as Szent Istvan, or St. Stephen) was born and baptised. As such, Esztergom was actually the first capital of Hungary. We reached the Basilica at one of its side entrances. We had a brief look inside and made a walk along its perimeter until coming across the main entrance. Only then did it dawn on me what an imposing building it truly was, as I had to try hard to see the roof of the Basilica beyond the top of the columns. The dimensions and architecture of the main entrance had just left me in awe.
大教堂的來頭可不少,既是匈牙利最大,也是匈牙利第一任國皇(後稱聖士堤反,匈牙利語Szent Istvan)出生和受洗之地,埃斯泰戈姆亦因此是開國首都。我們登上山頂之處是大教堂的側門,進內匆匆參觀後,繞着教堂走了一圈,來到正門,看到一根根筆直的圓柱,把頭抬到高高的才看到屋頂,便深深感受到教堂有多高,有多宏偉,頓時令我不住讚嘆。

Want to invade? Ask me first!

The way to the Basilica (as well as the castle nearby)

The Basilica on its side (left) and from the front (right)

The interior of the Basilica
Views from the Basilica, comprising the twin-spired Parish Church and the adjacent Primate's palace in the Vizivaros (Watertown) district and the Maria Valeria bridge that crosses the border into the Slovakian town of Parkany - so much we have missed! (See also the video below.)
從大教堂遙望山腳的水城區,其堂區教堂及大主教宮殿,河上的Maria Valeria橋直達鄰國斯洛伐克的Parkany鎮,我們統統錯過了!(亦可看以下短片)
If time permitted, we’d have loved to see the Basilica in greater depth and venture into other parts of Esztergom, but we had to leave for the town of Visegrad by bus again. We didn’t have so much luck with the way from Szentendre to Esztergom, and it could have been much worse leaving Esztergom! We were smart enough to look for the bus stop for Visegrad as soon as we arrived in Esztergom, but we could not find any sign for our bus either in the stop directly opposite to where we alighted or the one 300 metres down the same road. Where we alighted had no such sign either, and thus we thought the correct bus stop would most likely be the one directly opposite to it. So we waited at that bus stop 10 minutes early, and the bus did come on time, but it chose to ignore us and kept going! Fortunately the bus did pull over at the stop further down the road, and with a long queue there, we could still make it after a quick dash. It could have been a disaster if we had to wait for at least another hour not knowing where the bus stop would be!
It was already 20:00 when we reached Visegrad, so we didn’t even have to think if we could go all the way to the castle which stood on top of the mountains overlooking the town. All we could do was to have a good look at it and imagine what it would be like up there. We took to the little beach by the Danube, and there we let time slip by, as the town on the opposite bank gradually faded before lighting up and the castle started putting on its lights as well. It wasn’t long before another bus took us back to Szentendre and away from the three pretty towns of the Danube Bend.

The castle of Visegrad 維舍格拉德的城堡

The Danube as night falls
A Chinese colleague in my department joined me on this trip and took an additional day off before the long weekend. We left for Budapest late at night on 13th August and arrived in Budapest the next day. Our plans for our first day was to visit the Danube Bend region (Dunakanyar) which isn’t too far away from Budapest, in particular the two or three towns recommended by one of the Hungarian colleagues. We had wanted to head off earlier, but the late arrival of our overnight train and settling into our accommodation had kept us past midday before we were ready to go.
Our trip got off to a bumpy start from the city centre of Budapest to the town of Szentendre (i.e. St. Andrew in English). The 40 or so minutes on the trip gave our bodies a thorough shake-up as well as the sensation of riding on a galloping horse. When I described this to another Hungarian colleague later in the trip, he joked that many Hungarian railways, roads or pavements were deliberately kept this way since the Hungarian people were known to love horse-riding!
After reaching Szentendre at about 14:00, we first took a stroll in the main street of the town and came to the St. John Roman Catholic Parish Church atop a small hill following the recommendations of the tourist centre. As we were in search of food after visiting the church, we let our sense of smell guide us to a laneway where there was a shop selling langos (deep-fried Hungarian bread dough with various toppings). The laneway led us directly to the bank of the Danube (called Duna in Hungarian). It was the best place to enjoy a lunch, in a relaxing atmosphere and scenic backdrop of a tranquil flow of water across the breadth of the Danube.
The main street of Szentendre, Bogdányi utca
聖安德列的大街Bogdányi utca
The marzipan museum with its delicious displays
The triangular Fot Square
St. John Roman Catholic Parish Church
The view of roofs from the Parish Church - notice how some of the ridges have become curved
Serbian Orthodox Church
The streets of Szentendre were lined with textiles and crafts shops
My langos topped with ewe's cheese and bacon pieces
The picturesque lunch stop
It was time to head to the next town of Esztergom after our meal, but we missed a bus by 10 minutes and had to wait for another 50 minutes until 16:10 for our bus. It was 17:40 at the end of the bus ride, and according to the information we gathered, we could only stay in Esztergom for 1 1/2 hours.
Not far from where we alighted was the Szechenyi Ter (Szechenyi Square), which was spared of hustle and bustle as the day was winding down. The overall layout of the square was pretty lively while the fountains and benches all displayed meticulous craftsmanship.
The houses leading to the square
The town hall at one end of the square
Sculpted benches
Fountains 噴水池
Then we climbed up the nearby Szent Tamás hegy (St. Thomas Hill) which provided one of the best viewing points of the whole town. On top of this hill was the Kápolna a Szent Tamás hegyen (Chapel of St. Thomas Hill), whose white walls was particularly glaring under the blue skies. On top of the hill across the road was the Basilica of Esztergom. As we walked downhill from the Chapel en route to the Basilica, we came across a series of sculpted plaques depicting the scenes of Crucifixion.
之後登上附近的多瑪斯山(Szent Tamás hegy),沿途可飽覽全市景色,山頂有座小教堂(Kápolna a Szent Tamás hegyen),白色的牆身在藍天下特別鮮明,與這座山隔了一條馬路的是市內的大教堂,下山前往大教堂時,路邊豎了一列石碑,刻有耶穌受難的一幕幕。
Some sort of military commemoration midway uphill
The view of Esztergom from the hill
Kápolna a Szent Tamás hegyen
The Basilica on the hill
The Basilica is more than simply an important religious establishment due to its significance in Hungarian history. This largest church of Hungary (and one of the largest in the world) was where the first King of Hungary (known as Szent Istvan, or St. Stephen) was born and baptised. As such, Esztergom was actually the first capital of Hungary. We reached the Basilica at one of its side entrances. We had a brief look inside and made a walk along its perimeter until coming across the main entrance. Only then did it dawn on me what an imposing building it truly was, as I had to try hard to see the roof of the Basilica beyond the top of the columns. The dimensions and architecture of the main entrance had just left me in awe.
大教堂的來頭可不少,既是匈牙利最大,也是匈牙利第一任國皇(後稱聖士堤反,匈牙利語Szent Istvan)出生和受洗之地,埃斯泰戈姆亦因此是開國首都。我們登上山頂之處是大教堂的側門,進內匆匆參觀後,繞着教堂走了一圈,來到正門,看到一根根筆直的圓柱,把頭抬到高高的才看到屋頂,便深深感受到教堂有多高,有多宏偉,頓時令我不住讚嘆。
Want to invade? Ask me first!
The way to the Basilica (as well as the castle nearby)
The Basilica on its side (left) and from the front (right)
The interior of the Basilica
從大教堂遙望山腳的水城區,其堂區教堂及大主教宮殿,河上的Maria Valeria橋直達鄰國斯洛伐克的Parkany鎮,我們統統錯過了!(亦可看以下短片)
If time permitted, we’d have loved to see the Basilica in greater depth and venture into other parts of Esztergom, but we had to leave for the town of Visegrad by bus again. We didn’t have so much luck with the way from Szentendre to Esztergom, and it could have been much worse leaving Esztergom! We were smart enough to look for the bus stop for Visegrad as soon as we arrived in Esztergom, but we could not find any sign for our bus either in the stop directly opposite to where we alighted or the one 300 metres down the same road. Where we alighted had no such sign either, and thus we thought the correct bus stop would most likely be the one directly opposite to it. So we waited at that bus stop 10 minutes early, and the bus did come on time, but it chose to ignore us and kept going! Fortunately the bus did pull over at the stop further down the road, and with a long queue there, we could still make it after a quick dash. It could have been a disaster if we had to wait for at least another hour not knowing where the bus stop would be!
It was already 20:00 when we reached Visegrad, so we didn’t even have to think if we could go all the way to the castle which stood on top of the mountains overlooking the town. All we could do was to have a good look at it and imagine what it would be like up there. We took to the little beach by the Danube, and there we let time slip by, as the town on the opposite bank gradually faded before lighting up and the castle started putting on its lights as well. It wasn’t long before another bus took us back to Szentendre and away from the three pretty towns of the Danube Bend.
The castle of Visegrad 維舍格拉德的城堡
The Danube as night falls