My colleagues organised a ski trip on Sunday 9th December. It's my first time going to a ski field in the Alps and I haven't tried skiing before, so it was an opportunity not to be missed! We headed off to Skiwelt Wilder Kaiser in Scheffau, Austria.
Before heading up the slopes, I needed to rent some skiing equipment. The first challenge to skiing came from the ski boots. They formed a very tight wrap around the calves and the feet to the extent that the feet basically became fixed. While I appreciate that this would offer the best protection against twisting ankles, the boots also rendered normal walking movements clumsy and robotic.
Up on the hills, I put my boots into the skis and tried my best to navigate around, but I couldn't even manage my way up a very slight, harmless slope. My colleagues were finally convinced that I really needed some skiing lessons, like what I told them before!
Thus I booked myself into a 2-hour private lesson. I first learnt how to walk on the snow, how to ski down a slope, and how to control my speed and brake during skiing. After getting a hang of the basics, my coach took me to a longer slope and taught me how to make turns during skiing. Once at the bottom of the slope, there was a moving rope that could carry skiers uphill again by holding onto the rope. My coach was always telling me that I should avoid the squatting position by putting too much weight on the buttocks, and that I should transfer all my weight to the side opposite to the direction that I wanted to turn. Very helpful tips - if I remember them when I go skiing next time. It started snowing in the middle of my skiing lesson. I thought it was quite cool to be skiing in the snow at first, but it was much less fun when the snow picked up with time. Without ski goggles, I would have been spending all my time wiping the snow and water off my spectacles. The chilliness in the air also started to bite and my nose was dribbling incessantly. Time to retreat to somewhere warm, I thought, and lunch wasn't such a bad idea!
Afterwards I decided to go for some practice myself, so I returned to the slope where I've been to just before lunch. It didn't help to see a man standing in the middle of the way carrying a baby; I couldn't bear the thought - and certainly the consequences - of crashing into him and the baby knowing my capabilities. I thought I would just head to another slope, but as I turned around, I lost my balance, fell onto the snow and my left boot came off the skis. That's when trouble struck. I tried to rub off the snow at the bottom of my boot before putting it back on the ski, but to no avail even after more than 10 minutes. The only thing I could do was to take off the other boot from the other ski, limp all the way back to where I had lunch and ask my colleagues to check what was wrong. It turned out that a piece of ice insidiously stuck to the sole was the culprit. Argh, there went a good part of the hour doing nothing useful. Then I only went to the closest slope to practise some skiing. It took less than half a minute to go downhill, but at least 3 minutes or so to climb back up before another run downwards. It's not hard to work out how much time I had to actually practise my skiing, and that was rather frustrating for a beginner. Maybe I should have taken more private lessons instead!
My colleagues offered me their comforting words, that skiing is always difficult at the start and would become much easier after a few runs. All sports activities are like this after all, but I've never expected that the learning curve for skiing is so steep! There's the issue of practising. Skiing is not something that can be as practised easily as some common sports. One needs to travel to the ski fields, many of which are difficult to reach without a car. Then there are equipment rental, day-passes of the ski fields and ski lessons which all suck in money fast. I know very well that new skills will fall away very rapidly without intent and continual practice, but I'm afraid this will be the fate of my skiing.
12月9日(星期日)同事安排去滑雪,難得如此機會,而且從未嘗滑雪,便跟他們一伙人前往奧地利Scheffau的Skiwelt Wilder Kaiser滑雪場。
PS - even though I didn't totally enjoy the skiing, the scenery was certainly memorable!

Scheffau before (left) and after (right) the clouds rolled in
Scheffau 在雲霧籠罩前(左)後(右)的景色

A whole world of skiing 一望無際的雪山

Before heading up the slopes, I needed to rent some skiing equipment. The first challenge to skiing came from the ski boots. They formed a very tight wrap around the calves and the feet to the extent that the feet basically became fixed. While I appreciate that this would offer the best protection against twisting ankles, the boots also rendered normal walking movements clumsy and robotic.
Up on the hills, I put my boots into the skis and tried my best to navigate around, but I couldn't even manage my way up a very slight, harmless slope. My colleagues were finally convinced that I really needed some skiing lessons, like what I told them before!
Thus I booked myself into a 2-hour private lesson. I first learnt how to walk on the snow, how to ski down a slope, and how to control my speed and brake during skiing. After getting a hang of the basics, my coach took me to a longer slope and taught me how to make turns during skiing. Once at the bottom of the slope, there was a moving rope that could carry skiers uphill again by holding onto the rope. My coach was always telling me that I should avoid the squatting position by putting too much weight on the buttocks, and that I should transfer all my weight to the side opposite to the direction that I wanted to turn. Very helpful tips - if I remember them when I go skiing next time. It started snowing in the middle of my skiing lesson. I thought it was quite cool to be skiing in the snow at first, but it was much less fun when the snow picked up with time. Without ski goggles, I would have been spending all my time wiping the snow and water off my spectacles. The chilliness in the air also started to bite and my nose was dribbling incessantly. Time to retreat to somewhere warm, I thought, and lunch wasn't such a bad idea!
Afterwards I decided to go for some practice myself, so I returned to the slope where I've been to just before lunch. It didn't help to see a man standing in the middle of the way carrying a baby; I couldn't bear the thought - and certainly the consequences - of crashing into him and the baby knowing my capabilities. I thought I would just head to another slope, but as I turned around, I lost my balance, fell onto the snow and my left boot came off the skis. That's when trouble struck. I tried to rub off the snow at the bottom of my boot before putting it back on the ski, but to no avail even after more than 10 minutes. The only thing I could do was to take off the other boot from the other ski, limp all the way back to where I had lunch and ask my colleagues to check what was wrong. It turned out that a piece of ice insidiously stuck to the sole was the culprit. Argh, there went a good part of the hour doing nothing useful. Then I only went to the closest slope to practise some skiing. It took less than half a minute to go downhill, but at least 3 minutes or so to climb back up before another run downwards. It's not hard to work out how much time I had to actually practise my skiing, and that was rather frustrating for a beginner. Maybe I should have taken more private lessons instead!
My colleagues offered me their comforting words, that skiing is always difficult at the start and would become much easier after a few runs. All sports activities are like this after all, but I've never expected that the learning curve for skiing is so steep! There's the issue of practising. Skiing is not something that can be as practised easily as some common sports. One needs to travel to the ski fields, many of which are difficult to reach without a car. Then there are equipment rental, day-passes of the ski fields and ski lessons which all suck in money fast. I know very well that new skills will fall away very rapidly without intent and continual practice, but I'm afraid this will be the fate of my skiing.
12月9日(星期日)同事安排去滑雪,難得如此機會,而且從未嘗滑雪,便跟他們一伙人前往奧地利Scheffau的Skiwelt Wilder Kaiser滑雪場。
PS - even though I didn't totally enjoy the skiing, the scenery was certainly memorable!
Scheffau before (left) and after (right) the clouds rolled in
Scheffau 在雲霧籠罩前(左)後(右)的景色
A whole world of skiing 一望無際的雪山