Vienna is home to another oldest existing amusement facility apart from the zoo, namely the Ferris wheel in the Prater Park. Actually, the Ferris wheel was damaged in World War II but was quickly restored as a symbol of the reconstruction of Vienna. Before boarding the wheel, there was an exhibition on a brief history of Vienna and Austria. This is no ordinary exhibition. The centre of the exhibition hall is a rotating stand, and at its perimeter cabins from the previous Ferris wheel were installed for displaying models depicting the development of Vienna and the Prater. On the walls above those cabins, there was a continuous piece of drawing illustrating the important events and personalities in the history of Vienna and Austria. The easiest way to see the picture, of course, is to stand still and let the rotating stand take you around it.
History of the Prater, from the Roman Times, 17th Century, construction of the Wheel to its destruction by World War II

Left: the original Hundertwasserhaus (Hundertwasser House) in Vienna, designed by Austrian artist/architect Hundertwasser

The views along the Danube Canal 多瑙運河沿途景色
Even if music doesn't tickle your interest a titbit, you should pay a visit to this unusual establishment, located in the concourse of Karlsplatz underground railway station near the State Opera exit. Don't rush through this place like you normally would in the more common, run-of-the-mill counterparts, and let the opera atmosphere inside enliven you!

(Now you know what this place really is? 你現在知道是甚麼地方嗎?)
The Prater Park
Paparazzing on the dining car!
History of the Prater, from the Roman Times, 17th Century, construction of the Wheel to its destruction by World War II
It's impossible not to think about performing arts in Vienna, and many tourists will watch an opera or ballet. I had no such luxury, but I still took time for a guided tour through the Staatsoper (State Opera) just before I left Vienna. It happened that I missed out the opening of a new season just by a day, and during the visit, workers were busy setting up the stage for the show on the next day. This would be a daily chore at the State Opera until the end of this season.

It's impossible not to think about performing arts in Vienna, and many tourists will watch an opera or ballet. I had no such luxury, but I still took time for a guided tour through the Staatsoper (State Opera) just before I left Vienna. It happened that I missed out the opening of a new season just by a day, and during the visit, workers were busy setting up the stage for the show on the next day. This would be a daily chore at the State Opera until the end of this season.
The main entrance to the State Opera is never quiet!

The various rooms inside the Opera 歌劇院內各室

The stage (left; 50 m deep!) and the auditorium (middle and right)
The various rooms inside the Opera 歌劇院內各室
The stage (left; 50 m deep!) and the auditorium (middle and right)
But if you indeed can't spare any time for a performance in one of the many theatres around Vienna, you'll most likely able to come across some good-quality performances on the streets in the city centre. Kärtnerstrasse after dark is the place to be, and you won't miss the sound of lively music permeating out of the crowds of spectators.

Kärtnerstrasse during the day
Other parts of the city centre 市中心其他景色
Other parts of the city centre 市中心其他景色
Stephensdom (St. Stephen's Church)
Bundesparlament (Federal Parliament) of Austria
Left: the original Hundertwasserhaus (Hundertwasser House) in Vienna, designed by Austrian artist/architect Hundertwasser
Right: Kunsthaus Wien, a private museum dedicated for Hundertwasser's artwork
The views along the Danube Canal 多瑙運河沿途景色
Even if music doesn't tickle your interest a titbit, you should pay a visit to this unusual establishment, located in the concourse of Karlsplatz underground railway station near the State Opera exit. Don't rush through this place like you normally would in the more common, run-of-the-mill counterparts, and let the opera atmosphere inside enliven you!
(Now you know what this place really is? 你現在知道是甚麼地方嗎?)
Pity you missed the opera. If you line up nice and early on the day, you can get a standing room ticket for $3.50 - right behind the seats costing hundreds or euros. Great value!