Thanks to technology, communication has never been more convenient and there're just much more choices available. It's a blessing to ex-pats like me since it's now only too easy to keep in touch with family and friends.
It's basically free these days to have a conversation over the internet, and with a webcam a video conversation becomes very straightforward. If you really like to, you can arrange to see and chat with your loved one(s) around the clock despite the tyranny of distance. My parents just can't live without it ever since I moved out! A bonus since using the internet for conversations is that I've had plenty of occasions to talk with many of my friends who are doing the same. It's really unimaginable in the past.
Even for those who never use the internet for conversations, the price of long distance phone calls is falling all the time. A phone call lasting 15 to 20 minutes will easily cost less than a can of Coke! When I phone up my relatives, they usually like to end by saying, 'I shouldn't bother you for too long; long distance phone calls are expensive.' That may be true in the yesteryears, but now it's nothing more than a somewhat outmoded cliché.
Recently one of my friends introduced me to Facebook, and it's just another world out there. Many of my other friends are already subscribed to Facebook and use it as another private e-mail account. But the real gem of Facebook is that it's an easy way to find and re-establish 'long-lost' contacts. Within a month of signing up, there are already quite a few friends from school and university days who have linked up with me. And when I look up their list of friends, I've found out many more whom I haven't contacted for ages. It'd be nice to say hello to them all, when I have time.
But alas, time is the main problem here. There are now so many channels to communicate, and it's only a matter if you have the time to check and reply to them all. A couple of weeks ago, I exchanged my contact details with a colleague who is about to leave. I remarked how easy it was nowadays to stay in touch, 'I have two gmail accounts, another e-mail account, work e-mail, MSN, Skype, and now Facebook. I just have to keep track of them all.' He jokingly replied, 'Just remember to check them every 20 minutes!'

It's basically free these days to have a conversation over the internet, and with a webcam a video conversation becomes very straightforward. If you really like to, you can arrange to see and chat with your loved one(s) around the clock despite the tyranny of distance. My parents just can't live without it ever since I moved out! A bonus since using the internet for conversations is that I've had plenty of occasions to talk with many of my friends who are doing the same. It's really unimaginable in the past.
Even for those who never use the internet for conversations, the price of long distance phone calls is falling all the time. A phone call lasting 15 to 20 minutes will easily cost less than a can of Coke! When I phone up my relatives, they usually like to end by saying, 'I shouldn't bother you for too long; long distance phone calls are expensive.' That may be true in the yesteryears, but now it's nothing more than a somewhat outmoded cliché.
Recently one of my friends introduced me to Facebook, and it's just another world out there. Many of my other friends are already subscribed to Facebook and use it as another private e-mail account. But the real gem of Facebook is that it's an easy way to find and re-establish 'long-lost' contacts. Within a month of signing up, there are already quite a few friends from school and university days who have linked up with me. And when I look up their list of friends, I've found out many more whom I haven't contacted for ages. It'd be nice to say hello to them all, when I have time.
But alas, time is the main problem here. There are now so many channels to communicate, and it's only a matter if you have the time to check and reply to them all. A couple of weeks ago, I exchanged my contact details with a colleague who is about to leave. I remarked how easy it was nowadays to stay in touch, 'I have two gmail accounts, another e-mail account, work e-mail, MSN, Skype, and now Facebook. I just have to keep track of them all.' He jokingly replied, 'Just remember to check them every 20 minutes!'
