Eight hours after a late phone call on Friday, I joined my friends on a trip across the border to Innsbruck, Austria.
Innsbruck should be well known to ski enthusiasts, as a ski town and host city to the Winter Olympics. But for us non-skiers, the opportunity to get up close with the Alps is also a special experience. May proves to be a perfect time to visit the Alps. The snow hasn’t completely melted while the vegetation starts to grow again. This contrast is particularly colourful and startling under the blue sky and plentiful sunshine. We took the cable car up the Nordpark region of the Alps, and trekked the last section up to the peak at Hafelekarspitze. The layout of Innsbruck became immediately clear from the peak. It’s a city founded in a valley surrounded by the Alps and an extensive area of lush-green, with the river Inn snaking through the city.
My friend and I took the chance to have lunch in the mountains before heading back downhill. After a whirlwind walk through the Alpine Zoo, we boarded the sight-seeing bus to the Ambras Castle in the suburbs. What caught most of our attention, in the garden of the castle, was a peacock which seemed to understand Chinese. Every time we called it ‘You pretty bird’ in Chinese, it would immediately show off its beautiful plumage without fail, put it up for enough time and go for a catwalk so that everyone had the turn to admire the beautiful colours. We thought that the peacock was probably a Chinese migrant and was only too glad to put on a good show when it saw some compatriots like us!
We took the sight-seeing bus towards the evening, and alighted at the Triumphpforte (Triumph Arch) to set off our walk into the Old Town. The buildings and their architecture were so well preserved that many of those were still standing after several hundreds of years, including the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) which was erected since 1500 and is a must for all tourists. After walking through the Old Town, we reached the Innbrücke (Inn Bridge). It’s probably the place where Innsbruck shows its most scenic side, where the river Inn, the Old Town and the Alps all appear to meet. This says so much about how Innsbruck’s pretty scenery and heritage are shaped by the Alps.
Date of visit: 19 May, 2007 遊覽日期:2007年5月19日

The view from the cable car station at the foot of the mountain (left), and a kindergarten near the staion (right)

The cable car station at Hafelekar Peak

Leisurely times and scenes up on the mountains

Innsbruck from the mountains

A valley and its forest in the mountains

Flying high ... 翱翔萬里

Schloss Ambras (Ambras Castle) Ambras城堡

A beautiful day for wedding

'Hello, my name is Handsome.'

The Alpine Zoo is not the only place to see the animals!
(Photo taken in front of a shop near the Kaiserappartement)

Two sides of the Triumphpforte (Triumph Arch)

Views along the Marie-Theresien-Strasse

The Goldenes Dachl (the Golden Roof), with the roof coated with copper tiles

Some really old buildings in the Old Town (left and middle), and an undercover passage reminiscent of Berne (right)

Restuarants that have been around for at least 500 years! (Left: Ottoburg)

Quintessential Innsbruck by River Inn
Innsbruck should be well known to ski enthusiasts, as a ski town and host city to the Winter Olympics. But for us non-skiers, the opportunity to get up close with the Alps is also a special experience. May proves to be a perfect time to visit the Alps. The snow hasn’t completely melted while the vegetation starts to grow again. This contrast is particularly colourful and startling under the blue sky and plentiful sunshine. We took the cable car up the Nordpark region of the Alps, and trekked the last section up to the peak at Hafelekarspitze. The layout of Innsbruck became immediately clear from the peak. It’s a city founded in a valley surrounded by the Alps and an extensive area of lush-green, with the river Inn snaking through the city.
My friend and I took the chance to have lunch in the mountains before heading back downhill. After a whirlwind walk through the Alpine Zoo, we boarded the sight-seeing bus to the Ambras Castle in the suburbs. What caught most of our attention, in the garden of the castle, was a peacock which seemed to understand Chinese. Every time we called it ‘You pretty bird’ in Chinese, it would immediately show off its beautiful plumage without fail, put it up for enough time and go for a catwalk so that everyone had the turn to admire the beautiful colours. We thought that the peacock was probably a Chinese migrant and was only too glad to put on a good show when it saw some compatriots like us!
We took the sight-seeing bus towards the evening, and alighted at the Triumphpforte (Triumph Arch) to set off our walk into the Old Town. The buildings and their architecture were so well preserved that many of those were still standing after several hundreds of years, including the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) which was erected since 1500 and is a must for all tourists. After walking through the Old Town, we reached the Innbrücke (Inn Bridge). It’s probably the place where Innsbruck shows its most scenic side, where the river Inn, the Old Town and the Alps all appear to meet. This says so much about how Innsbruck’s pretty scenery and heritage are shaped by the Alps.
Date of visit: 19 May, 2007 遊覽日期:2007年5月19日
The view from the cable car station at the foot of the mountain (left), and a kindergarten near the staion (right)
The cable car station at Hafelekar Peak
Leisurely times and scenes up on the mountains
Innsbruck from the mountains
A valley and its forest in the mountains
Flying high ... 翱翔萬里
Schloss Ambras (Ambras Castle) Ambras城堡
A beautiful day for wedding
'Hello, my name is Handsome.'
The Alpine Zoo is not the only place to see the animals!
(Photo taken in front of a shop near the Kaiserappartement)
Two sides of the Triumphpforte (Triumph Arch)
Views along the Marie-Theresien-Strasse
The Goldenes Dachl (the Golden Roof), with the roof coated with copper tiles
Some really old buildings in the Old Town (left and middle), and an undercover passage reminiscent of Berne (right)
Restuarants that have been around for at least 500 years! (Left: Ottoburg)
Quintessential Innsbruck by River Inn
Vow... envy you.