Christmas is coming in 359 days! Here’s a sneak preview of what’s to come …
(Since when has GK picked up his sixth sense? He’s probably just rehashing some photos from last Christmas, right?)
Some of German’s Christmas customs are quite new to me. One can feel Christmas coming from early December when everyone is counting down to the big day. A common way is to use an Advent Calendar; as each day passes, peel open the little compartment for that day and eat the chocolate inside. I haven’t done such a good job counting down as I still have some chocolate left!
Christmas markets also start at the turn of December. There were quite a few in Munich of varying scales. My friend and I chose to visit the two at Englischer Garten (English Garden) and at Schwabing. The Englischer Garten featured many stalls selling pretty Christmas decorations and nifty household items, including many things that I’ve never seen before. How I wish I had enough space for a Christmas tree in my flat and decorated it completely with those little gems! The Schwabing market, in contrast, was more like a market for art and craft, but it was still nice to see so much artwork on display. The Christmas markets generally don’t sell the pine trees for Christmas, though. There are other markets for those trees.
The shops also decorate their windows during Christmas as a matter of course. At Englischer Garten, as well as a departmental store in the main shopping street of Stuttgart (Königstrasse), we saw some impressive Lego displays to our pleasant surprise! We haven’t seen or played with Lego for ages, let alone giant Lego models. We took ample time to marvel at them before moving on. Who said Lego is for kids only? Kidults love them too!
I’m sure there’s still a lot of German Christmas customs out there to be discovered. Watch this space next year for an update!
聖誕市集也是十二月初開市,形式有點像農曆新年的年宵市場。慕尼黑有好幾個不同規模的,我和朋友逛了兩個,分別位於英國花園(Englischer Garten)及Schwabing區,前者擺了不少售賣小玩意及聖誕飾物的攤位,甚有特色,我也恨不得家中有位放置聖誕樹,一樹都掛滿那些飾物!後者則較像藝術墟市,我們也祇有看的份兒。不過聖誕市集不像年宵市場一樣有年花賣,要買聖誕松樹者則另有其市場。

My Advent Calendar

The Christmas market at the Chinese tower of English Garden.

The Christmas market at Schwabing, now in its 30th year.

Christmas decorations of the shops in Munich (left) and Heidelberg (right).

Lego, how we miss you! (Above from English Garden, below from Stuttgart.)

(Since when has GK picked up his sixth sense? He’s probably just rehashing some photos from last Christmas, right?)
Some of German’s Christmas customs are quite new to me. One can feel Christmas coming from early December when everyone is counting down to the big day. A common way is to use an Advent Calendar; as each day passes, peel open the little compartment for that day and eat the chocolate inside. I haven’t done such a good job counting down as I still have some chocolate left!
Christmas markets also start at the turn of December. There were quite a few in Munich of varying scales. My friend and I chose to visit the two at Englischer Garten (English Garden) and at Schwabing. The Englischer Garten featured many stalls selling pretty Christmas decorations and nifty household items, including many things that I’ve never seen before. How I wish I had enough space for a Christmas tree in my flat and decorated it completely with those little gems! The Schwabing market, in contrast, was more like a market for art and craft, but it was still nice to see so much artwork on display. The Christmas markets generally don’t sell the pine trees for Christmas, though. There are other markets for those trees.
The shops also decorate their windows during Christmas as a matter of course. At Englischer Garten, as well as a departmental store in the main shopping street of Stuttgart (Königstrasse), we saw some impressive Lego displays to our pleasant surprise! We haven’t seen or played with Lego for ages, let alone giant Lego models. We took ample time to marvel at them before moving on. Who said Lego is for kids only? Kidults love them too!
I’m sure there’s still a lot of German Christmas customs out there to be discovered. Watch this space next year for an update!
聖誕市集也是十二月初開市,形式有點像農曆新年的年宵市場。慕尼黑有好幾個不同規模的,我和朋友逛了兩個,分別位於英國花園(Englischer Garten)及Schwabing區,前者擺了不少售賣小玩意及聖誕飾物的攤位,甚有特色,我也恨不得家中有位放置聖誕樹,一樹都掛滿那些飾物!後者則較像藝術墟市,我們也祇有看的份兒。不過聖誕市集不像年宵市場一樣有年花賣,要買聖誕松樹者則另有其市場。

My Advent Calendar

The Christmas market at the Chinese tower of English Garden.

The Christmas market at Schwabing, now in its 30th year.

Christmas decorations of the shops in Munich (left) and Heidelberg (right).

Lego, how we miss you! (Above from English Garden, below from Stuttgart.)
