Water is part of the heritage of Salzburg; apart from the Salzach River, the city is also home to Schloss Hellbrunn (Hellbrunn Palace) whose prime feature is the myriad of water tricks in its garden.
In the old days when the Palace was owned by the ruling archbishops, the garden was the place where the archbishops held gala banquets and made fun with/of their guests using those water tricks. Now it’s the turn of ordinary visitors to have the same fun too (or ordeal, depending on your view!) The tour guides of the garden will often turn on the fountains out of the blue and catch the visitors off guard while they are having a look at the different water features. Kids certainly find it fun to be sprayed and splashed, but if getting wet is not your type of amusement, you had better stay with those wearing a suit. The tour guides only know too well that it’s not funny to get those expensive suits wet!
Whoever came up with the idea of this unconventional water palace must have been a big kid in his heart. Just don’t take everything too seriously when visiting the palace and let the water tricks bring the kid out of you!
薩爾斯堡和水的淵源,除了貫穿市內的Salzach河外,還有其噴水皇宮(Schloss Hellbrunn)。
Day of visit: 15 October, 2006 參觀日期:2006年10月15日

The dining area looks innocuous enough ...

... until you realise that there's a nasty trick!
Originally these hideous fountains were installed for sobering up the drunken guests. Now their sole purpose is to play a practical joke on children! (Click to play video clip.)

Fountains in the caves 山洞內的噴泉
Catch the hat! (Click to play video clip.)

Pretty miniature water machines 精緻的流水裝置
A toy theatre driven by water flow (Click to play video clip.)

Be prepared to get soaked!
In the old days when the Palace was owned by the ruling archbishops, the garden was the place where the archbishops held gala banquets and made fun with/of their guests using those water tricks. Now it’s the turn of ordinary visitors to have the same fun too (or ordeal, depending on your view!) The tour guides of the garden will often turn on the fountains out of the blue and catch the visitors off guard while they are having a look at the different water features. Kids certainly find it fun to be sprayed and splashed, but if getting wet is not your type of amusement, you had better stay with those wearing a suit. The tour guides only know too well that it’s not funny to get those expensive suits wet!
Whoever came up with the idea of this unconventional water palace must have been a big kid in his heart. Just don’t take everything too seriously when visiting the palace and let the water tricks bring the kid out of you!
薩爾斯堡和水的淵源,除了貫穿市內的Salzach河外,還有其噴水皇宮(Schloss Hellbrunn)。
Day of visit: 15 October, 2006 參觀日期:2006年10月15日

The dining area looks innocuous enough ...

... until you realise that there's a nasty trick!
Originally these hideous fountains were installed for sobering up the drunken guests. Now their sole purpose is to play a practical joke on children! (Click to play video clip.)

Fountains in the caves 山洞內的噴泉
Catch the hat! (Click to play video clip.)

Pretty miniature water machines 精緻的流水裝置
A toy theatre driven by water flow (Click to play video clip.)

Be prepared to get soaked!