My friend and I spent the afternoon in Montmartre before the fireworks in the evening.
Montmartre is a district which is at a higher elevation than the rest of Paris, and the famous Basilica of Sacré Coeur is built at the highest point of the hill. The trip up the steps to Sacré Coeur and the view downhill from the top did, interestingly, feel somewhat similar to the Spanish steps in Rome. The Basilica also had a tower which was visited by surprisingly few tourists. We took advantage of it and we took in the beautiful views at a leisurely pace while enjoying the cool breeze.
Sacré Coeur was surrounded by plenty of restaurants and souvenir shops. There were also some buskers who drew crowds of visitors in the middle of the streets, and the local traffic had to fight hard against those spectators.
On the way downhill to Moulin Rouge, we traversed through the many steep narrow streets with steps, in between the typical small residential buildings. We also walked past a grocery store which my friend immediately recognised as a familiar scene in the French film Amélie for the store was frequented by the main character of the film. My friend got very excited and talked incessantly about the film. We later wandered into a DVD shop, and I was talked into buying a DVD of Amélie by my friend and the shop owner. This is indeed a very special souvenir, as I only found out now that the film was shot in Montmartre. But I am still yet to take up the challenge to watch the DVD, which came without English subtitles!
蒙馬特區地勢比巴黎其他地方高,而著名的聖心教堂就建於全區最高點,無論從山下拾級而上,或從山上居高臨下,感覺都有點像羅馬的西班牙石階(Spanish steps)。聖心教堂也有塔樓,但當日登塔者甚少,所以可悠然在塔頂飽覽巴黎全景,感受陣陣涼風,順道納涼。
Basilica of Sacré Coeur 聖心教堂

Left: The Basilica on the hill; Centre: One of the fountains in the terrace en route to the top ; Right: one of the entrances to the Basilica

Left: Inside the tower of Sacré Coeur; Centre and Right: The various buildings of the Basilica

The view of Paris from the Terrace (left) and the Tower (centre and right)
The streets of Montmartre 蒙馬特區街景

The narrow streets with steps in Montmartre (Left: Rue de Mont-Cenis; Right: Rue Drevet)

Buskers and artists 街頭賣藝

Artistic Montmartre -
Top left: cinematography (The grocery store featured in the film Amélie),
Top right: surrealism (Espace Dalí, exhibition of Salvador Dalí), and
Bottom left: musical dance (Moulin Rouge)
蒙馬特區的不同藝術 ——左上:電影(Amélie片中的水果店)、右上:超現實藝術(藝術家薩爾瓦多‧達利之展覽)、左下:歌舞(紅磨坊)
Montmartre is a district which is at a higher elevation than the rest of Paris, and the famous Basilica of Sacré Coeur is built at the highest point of the hill. The trip up the steps to Sacré Coeur and the view downhill from the top did, interestingly, feel somewhat similar to the Spanish steps in Rome. The Basilica also had a tower which was visited by surprisingly few tourists. We took advantage of it and we took in the beautiful views at a leisurely pace while enjoying the cool breeze.
Sacré Coeur was surrounded by plenty of restaurants and souvenir shops. There were also some buskers who drew crowds of visitors in the middle of the streets, and the local traffic had to fight hard against those spectators.
On the way downhill to Moulin Rouge, we traversed through the many steep narrow streets with steps, in between the typical small residential buildings. We also walked past a grocery store which my friend immediately recognised as a familiar scene in the French film Amélie for the store was frequented by the main character of the film. My friend got very excited and talked incessantly about the film. We later wandered into a DVD shop, and I was talked into buying a DVD of Amélie by my friend and the shop owner. This is indeed a very special souvenir, as I only found out now that the film was shot in Montmartre. But I am still yet to take up the challenge to watch the DVD, which came without English subtitles!
蒙馬特區地勢比巴黎其他地方高,而著名的聖心教堂就建於全區最高點,無論從山下拾級而上,或從山上居高臨下,感覺都有點像羅馬的西班牙石階(Spanish steps)。聖心教堂也有塔樓,但當日登塔者甚少,所以可悠然在塔頂飽覽巴黎全景,感受陣陣涼風,順道納涼。
Basilica of Sacré Coeur 聖心教堂

Left: The Basilica on the hill; Centre: One of the fountains in the terrace en route to the top ; Right: one of the entrances to the Basilica

Left: Inside the tower of Sacré Coeur; Centre and Right: The various buildings of the Basilica

The view of Paris from the Terrace (left) and the Tower (centre and right)
The streets of Montmartre 蒙馬特區街景

The narrow streets with steps in Montmartre (Left: Rue de Mont-Cenis; Right: Rue Drevet)

Buskers and artists 街頭賣藝

Artistic Montmartre -
Top left: cinematography (The grocery store featured in the film Amélie),
Top right: surrealism (Espace Dalí, exhibition of Salvador Dalí), and
Bottom left: musical dance (Moulin Rouge)
蒙馬特區的不同藝術 ——左上:電影(Amélie片中的水果店)、右上:超現實藝術(藝術家薩爾瓦多‧達利之展覽)、左下:歌舞(紅磨坊)