This week has been full of food, including free food from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th March. Of course I'm overjoyed!
My department organised a short course this week, attended by 12 people from outside institutions and the novices to the department. The organisers asked some of us in the department to join the course dinner on Monday and Wednesday, in the name of 'promoting communication with the participants'. Of course, everyone knew there was another motive! So we had dinner at a Bavarian restaurant (see picture). On the first day, I was adventurous enough to order a beef breast fillet cooked in a special soup, only to be stung by the pungency of the soup! As I wasn't prepared for the weird taste, others at the table had fun looking at how I suffered every time I gulped down the soup. I only found out later that the soup was cooked with a horseradish that was responsible for the pungent wasabi-like taste. Lesson learnt ... The next time, I played it safe and ordered the traditional Schweinebraten (roasted pork). After this main dish, I shared with the neighbouring person a dessert called Kaiserschmarren (king's pancake; see picture), a favourite of southern Germany and Austria. A hint for anyone who wants to try this gem: remember to save some space in your stomach during the main course!

Tuesady was Institute Day, which featured many scientific talks followed by a free dinner at our canteen. Others who didn't attend also caught the news, including some of the course participants. No wonder their course brochure said that the only expense was their transport.
On Friday, our department held a farewell breakfast for one of our colleagues, and we had lots of German sausages. One of the most popular was the local Weisswurst (white sausage), for which it was recommended that the skin be removed before eating. The removal is not necessary for good-quality sausages, but I followed the locals' advice anyway. The easiest way to 'peel' the sausage was to cut the sausage in the middle along its length, and with some dextrous surgical skills the skin would come off eventually. Another piece of advice came from a Bavarian student, who said that 'the sausages should not hear the 12 o'clock bell'. That was what the customers were told in the old days because there was no refrigeration and the sausages, which were made the night before being sold, would not keep for very long. A non-Bavarian German colleague found this saying mildly amusing and couldn't help but make fun of the Bavarians' inability of making sausages that last longer. Bavarians are the butt of all jokes in Germany, and it's hardly surprising that Bavarian sausages are also another source of amusement!
Today, I had lunch with a Taiwanese friend at a restaurant and had some haxenbachen (roasted pig legs). There was an unusual customer who also enjoyed the treat:

Dining in restaurants, it seems, is not the sole privilege of humans.
My department organised a short course this week, attended by 12 people from outside institutions and the novices to the department. The organisers asked some of us in the department to join the course dinner on Monday and Wednesday, in the name of 'promoting communication with the participants'. Of course, everyone knew there was another motive! So we had dinner at a Bavarian restaurant (see picture). On the first day, I was adventurous enough to order a beef breast fillet cooked in a special soup, only to be stung by the pungency of the soup! As I wasn't prepared for the weird taste, others at the table had fun looking at how I suffered every time I gulped down the soup. I only found out later that the soup was cooked with a horseradish that was responsible for the pungent wasabi-like taste. Lesson learnt ... The next time, I played it safe and ordered the traditional Schweinebraten (roasted pork). After this main dish, I shared with the neighbouring person a dessert called Kaiserschmarren (king's pancake; see picture), a favourite of southern Germany and Austria. A hint for anyone who wants to try this gem: remember to save some space in your stomach during the main course!

Tuesady was Institute Day, which featured many scientific talks followed by a free dinner at our canteen. Others who didn't attend also caught the news, including some of the course participants. No wonder their course brochure said that the only expense was their transport.
On Friday, our department held a farewell breakfast for one of our colleagues, and we had lots of German sausages. One of the most popular was the local Weisswurst (white sausage), for which it was recommended that the skin be removed before eating. The removal is not necessary for good-quality sausages, but I followed the locals' advice anyway. The easiest way to 'peel' the sausage was to cut the sausage in the middle along its length, and with some dextrous surgical skills the skin would come off eventually. Another piece of advice came from a Bavarian student, who said that 'the sausages should not hear the 12 o'clock bell'. That was what the customers were told in the old days because there was no refrigeration and the sausages, which were made the night before being sold, would not keep for very long. A non-Bavarian German colleague found this saying mildly amusing and couldn't help but make fun of the Bavarians' inability of making sausages that last longer. Bavarians are the butt of all jokes in Germany, and it's hardly surprising that Bavarian sausages are also another source of amusement!
Today, I had lunch with a Taiwanese friend at a restaurant and had some haxenbachen (roasted pig legs). There was an unusual customer who also enjoyed the treat:

Dining in restaurants, it seems, is not the sole privilege of humans.