On my first day, I went into work, and then straight to the departmental retreat!
I wanted a break before I start work and I got it! The retreat was held at Ringberg Castle, about 70 km from Munich. The Castle is not the usual grand medieval type we tend to think about, but it’s still quite pretty. It sits on a hill and overlooks a lake (Tegernsee) surrounded by typical Bavarian villages. When the talks at the retreat become boring, at least there’s beautiful scenery to look at from the lecture room!
No, I don’t mean that the retreat was boring and useless. Just the opposite. I never realised that the department has its hands in everything from physics to biology, and I was quite dazzled at the technology they had at their disposal. But what amazed me more was that there were several things in life I could never run away from. I listened to yet another talk on Alzheimer’s disease, my PhD research topic, from one of our guests, and as he spoke, I could see the Introduction chapter of my thesis flashing back page by page in my mind … And during that talk, I was sitting next to the Chinese PhD student of the department – how could one not meet a Chinese person anywhere on Earth these days?
In his welcoming speech, my boss joked of an ‘Australian invasion’ of his department when introducing me to everyone else. Very soon I was found talking to the other two Australian guys. One of them had been only in Germany for a year, was a fresh PhD graduate and also from Melbourne. So in these respects we weren’t too different after all. Of course we chatted on the usual things like where we lived and studied. The next day he asked me whether I knew two of his primary schoolmates, and it so happened that they were both my secondary schoolmates! The world must be shrinking faster than ever.
There couldn’t have been a better way than this retreat to meet my future colleagues in a more relaxed environment, and no doubt that would make my life easier once I formally start work in the lab. I wished the retreat could go on longer, but of course my boss didn’t employ me for just going on the retreat! All right, I’m starting next Monday – Monday afternoon to be precise. Why Monday afternoon? That’s another story.
我上班的第一天並未埋首工作,而是跟實驗室同事去Retreat「避靜」。Retreat選址在離慕尼黑70公里的Ringberg城堡,現由研究所所屬的Max Planck學會擁有。其實那座城堡只是仿古,建築稱不上有甚麼古典氣派,但勝在環境優美,位處半山,可見四周雪山環抱着山腳的Tegernsee湖及村落,就算聽演講聽得悶時也可望着湖景分一下心。

Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡外觀

Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡外觀

The dining hall in Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡之飯廳

Lake Tegernsee from Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡山腳下的Tegernsee湖

At the main gate of Ringberg Castle
I wanted a break before I start work and I got it! The retreat was held at Ringberg Castle, about 70 km from Munich. The Castle is not the usual grand medieval type we tend to think about, but it’s still quite pretty. It sits on a hill and overlooks a lake (Tegernsee) surrounded by typical Bavarian villages. When the talks at the retreat become boring, at least there’s beautiful scenery to look at from the lecture room!
No, I don’t mean that the retreat was boring and useless. Just the opposite. I never realised that the department has its hands in everything from physics to biology, and I was quite dazzled at the technology they had at their disposal. But what amazed me more was that there were several things in life I could never run away from. I listened to yet another talk on Alzheimer’s disease, my PhD research topic, from one of our guests, and as he spoke, I could see the Introduction chapter of my thesis flashing back page by page in my mind … And during that talk, I was sitting next to the Chinese PhD student of the department – how could one not meet a Chinese person anywhere on Earth these days?
In his welcoming speech, my boss joked of an ‘Australian invasion’ of his department when introducing me to everyone else. Very soon I was found talking to the other two Australian guys. One of them had been only in Germany for a year, was a fresh PhD graduate and also from Melbourne. So in these respects we weren’t too different after all. Of course we chatted on the usual things like where we lived and studied. The next day he asked me whether I knew two of his primary schoolmates, and it so happened that they were both my secondary schoolmates! The world must be shrinking faster than ever.
There couldn’t have been a better way than this retreat to meet my future colleagues in a more relaxed environment, and no doubt that would make my life easier once I formally start work in the lab. I wished the retreat could go on longer, but of course my boss didn’t employ me for just going on the retreat! All right, I’m starting next Monday – Monday afternoon to be precise. Why Monday afternoon? That’s another story.
我上班的第一天並未埋首工作,而是跟實驗室同事去Retreat「避靜」。Retreat選址在離慕尼黑70公里的Ringberg城堡,現由研究所所屬的Max Planck學會擁有。其實那座城堡只是仿古,建築稱不上有甚麼古典氣派,但勝在環境優美,位處半山,可見四周雪山環抱着山腳的Tegernsee湖及村落,就算聽演講聽得悶時也可望着湖景分一下心。

Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡外觀

Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡外觀

The dining hall in Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡之飯廳

Lake Tegernsee from Ringberg Castle
Ringberg 城堡山腳下的Tegernsee湖

At the main gate of Ringberg Castle