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Showing posts from October, 2013

A real mid-autumn festival, after 20 years! 闊別廿年的中秋

 雖說中秋每年一度,但今年中秋比以往特別——那天17:30仍未下班,連老闆也問我為甚麼20年沒在港過中秋也不早點走,究竟在香港過中秋的氣氛是怎樣,我忘得七七八八了! (Actually many workplaces allow staff to leave early on the day, but I only received notification after lunch and didn’t have time to re-arrange my work schedule.) (其實不少工作場所都容許員工中秋節提早下班,不過我當天午飯後才收到通知,想最新編排縮減工作也來不及了。)  After work I went to my brother’s place, and near his building all passers-by were looking towards the same direction with many lifting their cameras or mobile phones. When I turned my head around, it was obvious what the centre of attention was. The mid-autumn room was slowly rising through the gap between the buildings on both sides of the road, and became gradually brighter with its ascent. I spent a few minutes appreciating what I would normally take for granted! 下班後到胞弟家,在附近街道見到途人不約而同向同一方遠望,不少人還舉起相機和手機,回頭一望便看到當晚的主角——一輪皓月在兩旁大廈中間的縫裡緩緩升起,光芒四射而且愈來愈明亮,我也忍不住花幾分鐘駐足欣賞。 When the moon became the centre of attention 賞月和觀人 I haven’t spent mid-autumn festival ...