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Showing posts from March, 2013

Drawn to graffiti 塗(鴉)看天下

It started as a normal morning some time last month with the same train ride to work, apart from spotting a few passengers taking photos of the train after alighting. I wondered what was special about the train, and I found out when I alighted: one whole carriage was completed painted over by pink and golden graffiti. But I only caught a glimpse of it since I was in a hurry to change trains. 上月某天上班坐火車,看到中途有人下車後為火車拍照,很是好奇,待我下車後便明白究竟:原來其中一車卡整卡被人噴漆塗鴉,一片鮮粉紅一片鮮黃的頗搶眼,不過人多且趕換車,所以祇是匆匆一瞥。 Little did I expect that I would travel on the same train back home! It was indeed a rather rare occurrence, with so many train services in a day and the possibility that trains would switch lines in a network of more than a dozen lines. I decided to sit in the ‘graffiti carriage’ to mark such an unlikely coincidence. It was bright sunny outside and the carriage was flooded with a dreamy mix of pink and yellow light as the sunlight shone through. The usual views outside the window were replaced by the huge ...

White Night, colourful night 繽紛的「白夜」

In my many years living in Melbourne, I don’t go out very often because there’s usually not much to see and the night scenery is generally rather plain. But it was a different story on 23rd February, as it was the inaugural White Night (which originated from Nuite Blanche of Paris) with round-the-clock art exhibitions, light shows and opening of selected art galleries, museums and the State Library from 19:00 to 07:00 the next day. I took the opportunity to see what was on offer. 在墨爾本居住多年,平常甚少晚上逛街,因為沒甚麼看頭,夜景又有點單調,但2月23日那晚可不同了,那晚是墨爾本首屆White Night(白夜),市區由晚上7點至翌晨7點有接連的藝術展出和燈光表演,博物館、藝術館和州立圖書館通宵開放,我見機會難得便出市區附庸風雅一番。 State Parliament building (of Victoria) 維多利亞州議會 Flinders Street railway station on a normal night 平時晚上的Flinders Street車站 Possibly one of the best night scenes that Melbourne can offer 少數墨爾本夜景中最美的一面 I first went to a free open-air concert by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra with a friend at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. There w...