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Searching for Macau in Europe 西方的澳門

After spending time in Cologne and Düsseldorf, it was time for 2 weeks of work in my old lab in Munich. Time flew by really quickly and soon I was on my way to Lisbon for 4 days of holiday. I chose Lisbon because I wanted to visit an old friend whom I haven’t seen for more than 2 years and who seems to keep drifting about in the world. The other reason was to see for myself how similar Lisbon is to Macau, a former colony of Portugal.

Macau is famed for its colonial-era flair and it is indeed possible to find some similar architecture and streetscape in Lisbon. However, the differences are so much greater that, one day when I asked a waiter who actually travels to Hong Kong and Macau every year the question how similar it is between Macau and Lisbon, he said not at all!

Lisbon is far larger than Macau with so much more open space thanks to its many parks and squares, very fitting for a capital city. Starting from the banks of Rio Tejo (Tagus River), the first of the many open spaces is the Praça do Comércio (Commercial Square). It is also known as the Terreiro do Paço (Palace Square) as it used to be surrounded by the Paço da Ribeira (Palace of the River) up to the Lisbon Earthquake in 1755. The square would have enabled an unobstructed view of the surroundings including the opposite side of the Tagus River, and been appropriate for the function and style of the former palace.
里斯本的面積遠比澳門大,廣場和公園既多又敞大,很有首都的氣勢,而且令城市顯得開揚,尤其是臨近特茹河畔(Rio Tejo,英語稱Tagus River)的商業廣場(Praça do Comércio),前稱皇宮廣場(Terreiro do Paço),在1755年里斯本大地震前,圍繞廣場的是里韋拉皇宮(Paço da Ribeira,意為河之宮),站在廣場中央遙望對岸,視野瞭闊無阻,實在配合皇宮的氣派和格局。

Praça do Comércio, day and night  商業廣場的日景和夜景

Continuing the way through the arch (Arco da Rua Augusta) and the old town area to the north of Praça do Comércio, one would come to the Praça de Dom Pedro IV (King Pedro IV Square) . Farther up north at the end of the Avenida da Liberdade (Liberty Avenue) is the Parque Eduardo VII (Edward VII Park, named after the visiting British monarch). The top of this sloped park commands the view of the entire Lisbon city centre and Tagus River.
穿過廣場北面的拱門(Arco da Rua Augusta),經過舊城區,來到佩德羅四世廣場(Praça de Dom Pedro IV),再一直沿自由大道(Avenida da Liberdade)往北走到盡頭,便是愛德華七世公園(Parque Eduardo VII),沿著園內的斜坡走到最頂,回頭一望,里斯本市中心和特茹河一覽無遺。

Arco da Rua Augusta and the old town  廣場北面的Rua Augusta拱門及舊城區

Praça de Dom Pedro IV and the statue of King Pedro IV  佩德羅四世廣場及其紀念碑

Teatro Nacional de Maria II at the northern end of Praça de Dom Pedro IV

Praça dos Restauradores (Restoration Square, left) at the southern end of Avenida da Liberdade (right)

Praça do Marquês de Pombal (Marquis de Pombal Square) and the Parque Eduardo VII, looking in both directions

To the left (west) of the Praça de Dom Pedro IV, there is a path (Calçada do Duque) which is a series of steps leading uphill from the Central de Rossio railway station past a row of small shops and restaurants. The path ends at the Largo Trinidade Coelho square. Its location and layout, together with the myriad of narrow and step laneways criss-crossing the 3- or 4-storey residences, did remind me of the Largo de Santo Agostinho in Macau. A bit farther on there is a small park and viewing point (Miradouro de Saõ Pedro da Alcântara) where the view opens up to the Castelo de Saõ Jorge on the other side of the city centre.
在佩德羅四世廣場往左拐,經過羅西奧火車站(Central de Rossio),取道蜿蜒的樓梯路Calçada do Duque上山,途經一列小商店和餐廳走到盡頭,便是Trinidade Coelho廣場(Largo Trinidade Coelho),廣場的地理位置和格局,再加上附近很多又窄又斜的街道穿插於矮矮的樓房之間,倒令我想起澳門崗頂前地。再往過一點走,便來到一個小公園暨觀景臺(Miradouro de Saõ Pedro da Alcântara),遙望舊城區另一邊的聖若熱城堡(Castelo de Saõ Jorge)。

Rossio railway station and the Calçada do Duque   羅西奧火車站及山上的Calçada do Duque樓梯路

Largo Trinidade Coelho
Trinidade Coelho廣場

Miradouro de Saõ Pedro da Alcântara (left) and the funicular (right) connecting the park to Avenida da Liberdade down the hill
Miradouro de Saõ Pedro da Alcântara(左)及連接公園至山下自由大道的電車(右)

The narrow streets in the neighbourhood  區內狹窄的街道

The Castelo is visible from all over the city and is built on a hill which has been inhabited since a few centuries BC. The Castelo comprises a fortress and, earlier in history, a palace. The fortress was first erected by the invading Moorish people in the 11th century as a military post. The palace was built originally in the 13th century after the Portuguese recaptured Lisbon, but following a few earthquakes and moving the royal residence to the palace by Tagus River, the palace fell into disrepair and eventually only its ruins were left behind. In contrast, the fortress is still standing largely intact and it is possible to walk along the labyrinth of parapets connecting the watch towers. The terrace of the fortress and the watch towers are some of the best vantage points for both sides of the Tagus River, so it was little wonder that the site was chosen for building the castle. While the views from the castle were nice, the full force of the wind felt there was not!

The terrace of the castle

 The panoramic views from the terrace  瞭望臺一望無際的景色

The peacock and peahen stationed permanently at the castle  長駐在城堡的孔雀

The entrance to the fortress  堡壘出入口

One of the parapets (left) and watch towers (right) of the fortress  堡疊上的走廊(左)和瞭望塔(右)

The most glorious part of Portuguese history, namely the Age of Exploration, left its mark in the Belém district west of Lisbon city centre. The river banks of Belém was where the explorers set off their voyages during the 15th to 16th century, and now a monument (Padrão dos Descobrimentos, or Monument to the Discoveries) has been erected to commemorate the navigators and other important contributors to the seafaring efforts. Farther along the banks from the monument, the Torre de Belém (Belém Tower) used to provide important defence for the port of Belém as well as Lisbon. Its architecture resembled a ship, which can be particularly appreciated when looking down to the terrace of the Tower and the Tagus River from the top of the tower, where I felt as if I were in control of a sailing vessel.
葡萄牙歷史上最光輝、西進發現新大陸的年代,在里斯本市區以西的貝倫區(Belém)留下了遺跡。貝倫區河畔在15、16世紀的航海年代出海的地方,河畔豎立的發現者紀念碑(Padrão dos Descobrimentos),便紀念了當年著名的航海家和其他重要人物,稍遠一點的貝倫塔(Torre de Belém),就是當年保護貝倫區港口以至里斯本的防禦工事,整座塔的設計也很像一艘船,尤其是站在塔頂時,望著下面的璧壘平臺和特茹河,便有一種在船頂控制室指揮航行的感覺。

The Monument to the Discoveries (left) and a map mosaic on Portugal's navigation history (right)

Torre de Belém   貝倫塔

Let's get sailing!

Away from the river bank, the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (Hieronymites Monastery) and the adjoining Church of Santa Maria are further testaments to the glories of the Age of Exploration as they were built with the wealth from the explorations and the church was a place of prayer for those entering and leaving the port of Belém. The monastery was transferred to the new parish of Belém following the secularisation of the Order of St. Jerome and is now open to public along with the Church of Santa Maria. The monastery was not particularly large, but the architecture and décors of every corner managed to capture my attention and slow my pace down on my visit. It also reminded me of a monastery that I visited in Toledo, Spain in 2007.
離河畔一點的大教堂,就是熱羅尼莫斯修道院(Mosteiro dos Jerónimos)和相連的聖瑪利亞教堂,大教堂靠當年航海帶回來的財富而建,也是當年出海前海員祈福的地方,若說是葡萄牙人的天后廟也頗貼切。修道院早在百多年前隨著熱羅尼莫教派解散而歸貝倫教區管轄,現在連同聖瑪利亞教堂成為世界文化遺產,開放予公眾參觀,修道院地方雖然不大,但每個角落的建築和裝飾都吸引我的眼球,令我流連忘返,也教我回想起07年在西班牙托雷多參觀過的另一家建築特色相近的修道院。

Church of Santa Maria  聖瑪利亞教堂

Inside the church

The monastery  修道院

The décors inside the monastery  修道院內部

Lisbon has allowed me to appreciate the real Portuguese history and heritage, having caught glimpses of it through the colonial heritage of Macau in the past. There’s more to offer in places just outside Lisbon, and that’s what I’ll write about next.


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