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Showing posts from April 8, 2008

Chinese rice doesn't stick with Hong Kong! 國貨米(咪)搞我!

Despite the foreseeable rises in its import price, the picky, choosy eaters of Hong Kong (i.e. the entire population) will continue to stay loyal to Thai rice . Apparently they prefer the softer texture and flavour of the Thai products to the mainland Chinese counterparts, which are harder but have a stronger 'rice aroma' and come at a 10 - 20 % discount. If you have ever heard of the French preferring foreign bubbly to their much celebrated champagne, or the Japanese starting to use foreign rice for their sushi, please tell the more patriotic minds of Hong Kong or the rest of the Chinese populace. Then at least they will stop feeling bad that the Hong Kong hoi polloi is pledging foreign allegiance to a product that shapes an essential part of Chinese culture. 昨日 新聞報導 謂(詳情要收聽 錄音 ),儘管泰國米價趨升,香港人仍會繼續吃,原因是泰國米較香、較軟,適合港人口味,較硬身但更有飯味而且便宜一、兩成的國貨始終敵不過舶來品。 吃飯乃中國人生活一大環節,馬英九為表自己是貨真價實的台灣人,選舉時常強調自己「吃台灣米、喝台灣水」,港人寧愛泰國「軟飯」也不屑國貨,不知愛國人仕或國內人民對此會有何感想或感慨!