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Melbourne – top of the world (in prices) 墨爾本的世界之最(貴)

While dad and I were looking for places for afternoon tea in the city on Sunday 25th July, I was astounded by the prices.

We first came across a French-style patisserie/boulangerie and had a quick look through the cake cupboard. While the prices of pastries were still acceptable (albeit slightly expensive), we quickly turned away as we found that many of the cakes were not that cheap. Lemon tarts and similar delicacies cost A$7.4 each (HK$50, US$6.3, 5 euros), and we were wondering if they were really worth the price even though we could well afford them. Still there were no shortage of customers – and that was why two price-conscious (or substitute with a more disparaging adjective) people could sneak in and out of the shop unnoticed.

Then we walked into an arcade and were attracted to a tea house by its display of sumptuous cakes. We also noticed that many people ordered a high tea set, with an assortment of delicacies arranged in tiered plates. We thought it would be worth a try some other time, since there was quite a big crowd of people waiting outside already. But as I looked up the website of the tea house at home, I was less staggered that the place would ask for A$45 per head (HK$315, US$40, 31.5 euros), than that it was actually more expensive than at the top hotel of Hong Kong! After all, that hotel was actually one of the best in the world with a long list of international accolades and restaurants receiving Michelin stars. What was the tea house thinking – does it consider itself to be even better than crème de la crème?
之後走進一家商場內的小餐廳,窗櫥的蛋糕甚是吸引,餐廳內不少顧客都在享用傳統英式下午茶(high tea),也同樣誘人,心想改天來試試也好,因為在餐廳外面等候的人的確不少。但回家上網查看下午茶的價錢,最令人吃驚的不是價錢本身,而是每位澳幣$45(港幣$315、$40美元、31.5歐元)的收費,竟然比香港最頂尖的酒店更貴!那家酒店來頭不少,在全世界數一數二的有名,酒店好幾家食肆也在米芝蓮(米其林)指南摘星,那家小餐廳難道認為自己有過之而無不及?

Maybe it actually is, and perhaps I should pay a visit to find out. But between a rather tiny non-descript shop in an arcade and a hotel lobby with high ceilings, granite floors, splendid décor, live music performance and spacious seating, where would I rather be? Call it prejudice, but the choice is pretty obvious if you ask me. Similarly what the aforementioned patisserie was charging for its cakes was actually more than the most renowned bakeries of Vienna – it’s worth bearing in mind that those Viennese bakeries have a combined history of almost a thousand years behind them and were appointed by the royal family for good reasons: their craft and their variety. Again, maybe I shouldn’t pass judgements so early since the proof is in the eating (quite literally), but to my mind the patisserie has quite a long way to go before it could match what the Viennese bakeries have to offer.

Both cases begs the same question: what justifies those Melbourne businesses to charge so much, even more than the more reputed establishments in other parts of the world supposedly more expensive than Australia? Do they have something really special or different to offer its customers? If not, how have they dreamt up such pricing?

Dining is not the only thing that sometimes appears unjustifiably expensive. Although Australian ski fields are smaller, not as high in altitude and receive a less amount and poorer quality of snow than the major resorts in other parts of the world, I found out from a newspaper some time ago that a skiing day pass in some snowfields closest to Melbourne would cost more than $100 (US$90, 70 euros). That was enough to cover a day pass, clothing and equipment hire as well as my share of petrol cost for my skiing trip to Scheffau, Austria two years ago! Travelling within Australia is not necessarily economical either. Some of the tourist attractions around Melbourne charge pretty hefty entry fees, while travelling afar internally doesn’t cost much less than flying abroad. It’s no surprise that smart travellers would rather go to South-East Asia or the USA for a better worth of their money.

I am not the only one noticing how expensive some aspects of living has become in Melbourne. My Danish colleague and British colleague were one day discussing the dining scene in Melbourne. The Danish colleague commented that restaurant prices in Melbourne were in fact not too different from Denmark but there was a greater choice of cuisine. The British colleague added that eating out often did not cost much more than buying food from the supermarket and cooking for herself. While what the British colleague said might be a bit exaggerated (but from personal experience I also understand that shopping for a single person seems less economical than for a family or a group of people), this little conversation is certainly reflective of the state of consumer prices in Melbourne.

Of course not everything is expensive in Australia. At least petrol is cheap compared to most advanced economies, cars are not too expensive, property prices and rents are attractive to many international investors, and golf club memberships are so cheap that all the other four people sharing office with me are all avid golfers!

My whingeing will most likely not change anything, so it’s better to accept it (begrudgingly) and look at what the sometimes exorbitant prices in Melbourne mean. Melbourne people must be pretty well-to-do in general and are willing spenders. I don’t have hard salary statistics at hand, but at least I can say that the lower paid in Australia are definitely much better off than the Hong Kong counterparts (shameful on Hong Kong actually) and on par with the richer European countries, while I feel the middle tier is probably slightly ahead in Australia with a tad better gross pay than Hong Kong (especially at current exchange rate) and lower tax rate than Europe. The outward signs of wealth among Australians are inescapable when one sees them crowding pricey eating places, juggling multiple carrier bags in shopping centres and driving more larger cars or European cars. Melbourne businesses must also be making handsome profits. Regardless of the underlying staff costs and rents, when shops are selling products (books, good clothing, shoes, many electrical appliances, cinema tickets and you name it) at appreciably higher prices than many other countries, you can’t help to wonder how fat the profit margins are. So if you are thinking of setting up a retail or restaurant business, yes, Melbourne – and other major Australian cities – will not disappoint you!


RandomCoil said…
Wait til you are in London... this is an unbelievably expensive city.
GK said…
Maybe I'll be immune/insensitised to London prices having grown accustomed to Munich and Melbourne prices! I remember going to Switzerland in 2006, 4 months after settling in Munich, and I wasn't shocked by the prices back then. (You know everyone says that Switzerland is expensive too.)
But I'll be prepared - I'm saving up for my trip now.
RandomCoil said…
Prices in Oz have gone up a lot. When I visited sydney in april 2009, I couldn't believe how much it costed for yum cha. So blxxdy expensive!
GK said…
Yum cha prices here are now double HK's, if not more!

Following my last comment, I should say that Switzerland was expensive but it didn't really gave me a good shock. I'll wait to see what reaction London would give me.
eric said…

GK said…
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GK said…


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