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Drifting along the Rhine (2) - Düsseldorf 順萊茵河而行(2)— 杜塞爾多夫

The Rhine flows from the south to the north in north-western Germany, and links Cologne to the other city of Düsseldorf 40 km to the north. These two cities have the Rhine as a common thread and are actually not too far apart, but culturally they can be rather distant. Traditionally they tended to view each other with disdain and maintain a strong cultural boundary in between. They speak completely different dialects, and the famous Cologne beer Kölsch is nowhere to be seen in Düsseldorf. Some of my Munich colleagues even said that the motorway signs in either city would not show directions to the other, but I haven’t had time to check if it were indeed true! Most interestingly, the lay-outs of the two cities are mirror images of each other; while the Old Town of Cologne lies on the west of the Rhine and the eastern river bank is a promenade, Düsseldorf is the opposite with the Old Town on the east and some meadows on the western river bank. Perhaps this is how both places sought to distinguish themselves in the first place!

The Rhine at Düsseldorf 杜塞爾多夫的萊茵河

It took me an hour to travel from Cologne to Düsseldorf by train, and at the central railway station in Düsseldorf I was greeted by my friend and her husband. My friend is actually a former colleague of mine and has moved to Düsseldorf for less than a year. After lunch she and her husband took me on a stroll around the Old Town. We had good long chats along the way, and inevitably our topic turned quite often to Munich. My friend was reminiscing a lot about the good sides of Munich, such as how Munich was less boring because it was a larger city, and how the scenery around Munich was more beautiful because of the lakes and mountains nearby. I did understand why she had those thoughts. We were definitely not rushing through the Old Town of Düsseldorf, but the places worth visiting were in fact not that many and can be finished in a short time. The region to which Düsseldorf belongs is actually flat in terrain and has the highest population density in Germany. There isn’t too much nature or rural area to speak of in that region, let alone mountains and lakes.

Marktplatz (left) and Town Hall (below)

The tower of Schifffahrtmuseum (Maritime Museum) 海事博物館的塔

Hofgarten opposite to Tonhalle concert hall  Tonhalle演奏館對面的Hofgarten

The waterway along Königsallee 沿Königsallee的水道

Static art of different kinds 不同的靜止藝術

We treated ourselves to a good dinner of pork knuckle, and needed some time to let our meals digest properly. I also needed a way to kill time until my overnight to Munich in 4 hours’ time, so we decided to go for a walk along the Rhine. The river was indeed a dynamic place and the promenade was filled up despite its great width. It was also a fun place with some many interesting things to be done. There was an athletics track inviting children to go for a sprinting or cycling race, while next to it a group of people were dancing salsa to some lively music. I wouldn’t know if it was a dancing lesson or an open activity, but it was such a rare scene in Germany to see large congregation of people dancing to some loud music in public. This is how a public place should be: it should be energetic and it should belong to the people.

A fun place for all by the Rhine 河畔各自各精彩

My former colleague mentioned that she had seen sheep by the river some time before and wanted to find out what it was really about. So we crossed the river at the Rheinkniebrücke bridge and reached the meadows on the opposite banks. We could already see many white dots against the green pastures from afar on the bridge, and indeed there were hundreds of sheep grazing in the meadows on closer look. How would have thought that such typical rural landscape could exist in the middle of a city, against a somewhat incongruous backdrop of swanky new buildings and a tall TV tower? The river bank enjoyed tranquility away from the main crowd and noise in the city, apart from the odd passers-by and the intermittent salsa dancing music that made its way across the water. It actually felt like a ramble in the countryside as we made our way through the slightly tall grass away from the herd to the next bridge. We paused to take a look of the Old Town opposite us, and in the reflexion of the evening sun the Old Town was showing its most graceful and elegant side. My former colleague couldn’t help but say that it was the most beautiful facet of Düsseldorf that she had seen since moving there!

Who has moved the countryside to the middle of Düsseldorf?

Sometimes the best sides of a place can only be found off the beaten track but are neglected because we all obstinately stick to our familiar routes. They are there to be discovered, treasured and savoured by those who would dare to venture out of their comfort zones.

Düsseldorf saved its best till last! (Sorry I could have done better with this panorama.) 


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