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A feast of fests! 節二連三

Festival fever caught hold of my life from Pamplona. My second weekend back in Munich was filled with one festival after another!


It all started with last Saturday 19th July, when I got invited to a town called Kaufbeuren (about 60 km west of Munich) for its medieval Tänzelfest with four other friends. We arrived there at 16:00, which gave my local friend (and guide!) enough time to show us the place before it became filled up with visitors later in the night.


The park en route from the railway station to the town centre

Entrance to the town centre

The town hall and the court in front of it

Some of the pretty buildings with paintings on their walls 鎮內有些在牆上塗有圖畫的建築物

Churches of the town (right: Klosterkirche/Chloistral Church)

All-weather drinking

What has she done to deserve this?

There was an uphill part of the town where part of the city wall still stood. The walkway on top of the city wall reminded me a lot of Rothenburg ob der Tauber.


Another drinking place that we actually visited in the evening

The city wall and the bird houses

A panorama of Kaufbeuren, taken from the Hexenturm (Witch's Tower)

Fünfknopfturm (literally the Five-knob Tower), also a memorial for victims of the First World War

We took a break downhill before the official opening ceremony. After the announcement of the 'festival rules’ by the mayor, a parade in medieval costumes marched from the town hall.


This beer cart brings the beer to the mayor and VIPs at the town hall.

Left: drummers wearing the enblem of Kaufbeuren 左:穿著Kaufbeuren徽號的鼓手
Right: an ancient crime brought to modern light! 右:千古罪人

The walk through the streets of Kaufbeuren was a journey back in time.

Gladiators and their supplies

Steeped in tradition: music (top left), (top right) and pottery (left)

Jugglers (above two) and busker (left) standing tall

As night descended, the streets were packed with people enjoying their food, drinks and live performances.


The courtyard in front of the town hall brightened up shortly after 22:00, as the fire show was underway. We saw a drumming show with flaming sticks, accompanied by bursts of fire as special (human) effects. It was followed by a sword play between two swordsmen who were running around the court, waving their swords and striking sparkles as they hit their weapons against the ground. Then it was the turn of jugglers who were literally playing with fire. We only saw the start of it as we had to rush for the last train back to Munich.


Drumming performance (see also the video below)

Sword play

Juggling with fire 玩雜耍玩出火!

That train trip brought us from medieval fantasies to the harsh reality. The normally one-hour trip dragged on for an extra 1 1/2 hours due to technical problems with the original train, then changing for a replacement bus as the next train could not go past track works, and waiting for one more train. What made this extra harsh for us was that we could not afford to sleep for too long, because we had other plans lining up later on the same day!


The same group plus one more went into the city, to find the whole place turned into a festival central. Munich is still celebrating its 850th anniversary since the official start in mid-June. As part of the celebrations, the streets on one side of the Hofgarten put on demonstrations for various sports and related activities, which of course was a big draw card for kids.


Art work around the Hofgarten 皇室花園的藝術品

One of the many open-air concerts around town

Interested in trying any of these? 有興趣試試嗎?

The sweat-less option!

That was actually a side-track from our original destination of Englischer Garten (English Garden), where the Japanfest was held. The festival offered more than what the traditional arts and culture that we were expecting. Popular culture has made its mark in the form of the eye-catching, sometimes outlandish Cosplay costume. It clearly had a following and appeal across all boundaries physical, sovereign and cultural!

那天出市中心,目的其實是前往在英國花園(Englischer Garten)舉行的日本祭,也想不到是集傳統和流行文化於一身,最吸引我們目光的,倒不是甚麼傳統藝術,而是一身Cosplay裝束的德國男女!日本流行文化的勢力可真無遠弗屆。

Manga fans: recognise these characters?

The Japanfest took place in the part of the English Garden containing a Japanese garden, and its activities catered for all interests as well as senses. My ears got a treat from two choir performances, the first of which was from an amateur group of Japanese ladies residing in Munich. They performed three songs, including the well-known folk song Sakura. Another group came all the way from Nagasaki and performed more traditional folk songs for us.


Zen 禪道

The flying carps

Jiyuka (free-style) floral art 華道(自由花)

Drumming (left) and puppet show (right)

Sakara 《櫻》

Another Japanese folk song 另一首日本民歌

As the Japanfest finished at 17:00, we had more time to check out the ‘adult section’ of the 850th anniversary celebrations (we jokingly dubbed the part before the Japanfest the ‘kiddy section’ as it was all for children!)


The Ferris wheel at the Wittelsbacherplatz

An aeroplane engine on display (for Airbus A300, Boeing 747-200 and MD-10)

More open-air concerts 更多露天音樂會

A timely prompt for dinner!

After dinner, we strolled along the Isar river and came upon the Friedensdenkmal mit Friednsengel (Peace Memorial and Peace Angel). We had the whole place to ourselves and enjoyed the view of the fountain and the memorial in sunset.

晚飯後,我們一同沿着市內的Isar河散步,來到和平紀念碑與和平天使(Friedensdenkmal mit Friednsengel),倘大的上、下層廣場,祇有我們六人欣賞由噴泉、紀念碑和夕陽構成的美景。

Following another short walk, we came across the Maximilianeum, which is home to the Bavarian parliament. While I’ve been past it a couple of times, I’ve never been able to walk up the hill to the parliament building until now, as the road was normally closed off. Everyone took the opportunity to have a good look of Munich from this special vantage point.


What a relaxing way to wind down from an eventful weekend!



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