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A hand-over without transition? 沒有過渡的回歸?

Hong Kong was handed over to China on 1 July 1997, and has been preparing itself for the transition for more than 10 years before that fateful day, in a period more commonly called the 'transition period'. Since the hand-over, Hong Kong has put on a new look and experienced many ups and downs, but has it really changed?

In many respects, Hong Kong is still the way it is, in concert with the Basic Law which guarantees '50 years of no changes' from the hand-over. However, this lack of change may be a sign of stagnation and complacency.

Let's take the recent debate on political reform. Officials from Beijing and those in favour of the status quo insist that the executive arm of government should predominate the political functioning of Hong Kong and that the Chief Executive, the head of Hong Kong's administration, be better empowered in his/her duties. One of them even claimed that the separation of powers (executive, legislative and judicial) would not be applicable to Hong Kong. These people must be too fond of the colonial days, when executive power was highly concentrated in the Governor and when the government encountered much less resistance or checks and balances. However, they seem to be ignorant of the present-day reality, where the society is filled with different voices and opinions. The days when one man was in total control of everything are long gone. Oppositions and alternative opinions to government policies will only become more common. Although the preponderance of the executive power of the government and Chief Executive is emphasised in the Basic Law, the manner in which this power is exercised should be adapted to today's landscape.

The political structure of Hong Kong has, by and large, remained the same, so have the policies and goals of the government. The main interest of the government is still to make money and make it quick, as seen in its unfaltering support for the financial industry which seems to deliver the best and fastest growth prospects. The main goal of government finances, meanwhile, is still to amass and grow the financial reserves. There's nothing wrong with these objectives, except at the same time the government is reluctant to support other industries and build up social capital. Before the hand-over, Hong Kong traded everything else for economic 'growth' on the back of the white-hot real estate market. Subsequently it was dealt a major blow when the Asian financial crisis struck in the few months after the hand-over. Hasn't the government learnt a lesson from that, and why does it insist on putting all the eggs in one basket?

The lop-sided economic development is one of the major reasons behind the worsening gap between the poor and the rich. And even in those growing sectors of the economy, people have to put up with longer hours and more stress than ever for their livelihoods. Pollution, while not entirely Hong Kong's fault, is steadily worsening but the government's response has been paltry without a sense of urgency. It's far too optimistic to expect that the pollution problem will be dealt with really effectively. For a supposedly wealthy society, Hong Kong routinely ranks too low in quality of life surveys, while the economic growth in the last 3 years hasn't brought about a general improvement to people's quality of life. Shouldn't the government be ashamed of the discrepancy between the apparent wealth and a quality of life that is less than desirable?

The betterment of the society as a whole depends even more on the people's attitudes and values. Unfortunately, we are just as keen as the government in seeking quick money, like the way we were before the hand-over. We still willingly work ourselves to the max for the dough, often at the expense of family and health. But didn't we once see the light, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, that there are more important things in life? We still harbour a disregard for arts, sports, scientific research and everything else that doesn't make money. Too few of us have seen the need to do our bits for the environment. We keep turning on air-conditioning to the full, wasting natural resources and producing more refuse. It's blatantly obvious that we have a much worse awareness of environmental protection than other advanced societies. As Hong Kong strives for being a truly international city, it's not enough just to be superficially prosperous. The quality and attitude of the populace must also catch up at the same time, to be on par with the best of the world!

Has Hong Kong really improved in the 10 years since the hand-over? Have we undergone a transition for the better, in the way we deal with political, economic and social development? The former Chief Executive, Tung Chee-Hwa, once called for everyone to keep up with the times. The present-day administrations in Hong Kong and Beijing, and the whole society, will do well by taking heed of these words.









Subtropicalboy said…

Unknown said…
C.M. said…
Time... just slips through my fingers.

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